0:2 Good luck! i know Language has 'borders' So This will help

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Good luck !
i know Language has 'borders':

meaning it could be difficult to understand for the readers, depends on the readers interpretation there of

it may help to master language somewhat cause i have a bunch of parts to truth as part truth and language borders and even if i word it perfect people with out big heart  scuba diving frequently for inner soul wisdom and knowledge ...if they dont know how to heart

(heart guide will link here:

your interpreting may be too negative to understand where im coming from  =don't be twisting my info down in negative ways when its clearer and untwisted = you understand me = you gotta heart  feel what i mean i never mean to break your heart you can receive that and remember im higher self aligned 

so its beliefs and interpretation of beliefs that have a perfect loving vibe attached....in response kinda like a metal detector in function you use feeling to search when your cold (far away) or hot ("right on the dot") and i use that respectfully it will vibe as perfect truth when it is truth but i am not pure 'walk in 'status yet but its supposed to be i dont know it all yet lol cause its a best adventure to have funnest times digging in the x marks for answers

you wouldnt get me if you dont know my use of the X as a word lol not saying haha at the ones left out but im worth listening to (i explain X will link here)

sometimes my flow leaves out words in between words so i go back and add more and more to try to help people understand but its easier if they just on my level feel me and us of what i mean

its what we mean see i left that out till now

if you master remembering i write always with a huge heart
you'd understand me truly
younger me had some difficulty knowing self love but i had it for everyone at a young age jam packed sometimes i struggled with is it morally right to love everyone like what about evil behaved people like rapists and murderers you know? but the spirit guides taught me well so i changed hate confusion and love even haters cause thats more who i am i learned that at a young age

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