0:3 The Most Important Tip For More than Peace

This page is How to cure emotional pain!

Connected section: (1:5: How to get off of drugs and booze and still be "high on our love buzzes" + How to cure physical pain or sickness)

Home is where the heart is (not broken heart)

The book:

The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

Teaches key tips But It depends on each individual to try these key tips out for themselves and to observe how they feel as a guide but that’s only what’s recommended by not only me…to follow your higher self’s heart is to not go the broken heart path with beliefs. That’s very key for the law of attraction. I’m not the only teacher of that. Words don’t teach only experiences do… So its mainly up to you to try certain things to heal yourself! And its a choice! You have free will. It’s designed with love to have free will.. Cause then the love won’t be fake. If we were all perfect from the beginning…it wouldn’t be as huge as a blessing…if we didn’t live through pain at first…. You wouldn’t know the importance of love… It’s much more powerful to choose to love when its free will presented and too chosen to be given and receive it too. Love is important… You all are very important key players! You all should be like Key role models…especially when you know the right light to show the way…to feel it in our hearts is the way…please abandon broken heart paths when it comes to living more happy its like taking out the trash to make room for only what feels best. Huge blessings await if you don’t feel them yet….

Do not give me all the credit for your inner work…you are a huge part its a huge thanks to you that i give you for so much effort you have given in life and for being alive! Life’s made to enjoy Already! i made it to paradise so can you! Life was so confusing but with the answers kept as a secret found inside you…and with this we are on mission to reach Nirvana = Heaven on Earth for you all to accomplish it will make you feel as smart as a true god! Congrats if and when you made it! 🙂 Always remember I love you!

notice it isn’t broken!

Again Heart (not broken heart) is a VERY IMPORTANT KEY

This book is in the form of this website is dedicated in the way to help get you to the answers that will help free your souls = to be guided out of pain! (Please do not go with answers that make you feel any pain or UN-comfort as truth! I will teach you more about that guidance system coming up in the next chapter!) But first please allow me to explain my hooks: My ‘book’ teaches that this information can get us all out of pain in potential….depends on how your experiences to learn them unfold, do you allow them to come? At times permission slips are needed to have the best spiritual guides help you. Know and Remember I wrote this to help save lives but I am not the only one helping save everyone give yourselves credit… the law of attraction helps me word differently though, to not feel lack as if my people are still in danger is very key. And This is no competition were on the same side this is more than teamwork!

Lit eyes= THE Map! 

Kurt put it this way (in his Know you’re right song where he sings the word pain well in the acoustic demo version he actually sang i dream in replacement of pain first) But i explain what it means,choose pain or your highest dreams without dream following you are in pain arent you? Choose pain or liberated (free from spirit jail bondage=Let yourself shine!=Be happy being your highest self’s truest form of joy!) these songs in a different chapter you will see these songs play later though 😉

but i will play a different one of kurts for now for a reason: Just know Hope in Dreams coming true vs Hope lost Which one feels best and its a higher guided reason.. 

(by the way grumpy cat is in the back with spongebob saying “Aww hes not so Grump!)

When believing in your power instead of believing you cant control your negative feelings reclaim your power !

it shows too how powerful you can be some people dont like power they think its corrupt but im talking about the kind that helps you know your more of god than you think


the question may be.... how much you want to live better

to pay attention to how each belief feels you can feel the value by feeling if the belief gives you either....feeling best about it.....or feeling hurt or fear about it,

it may seem hard at first to get used to having better thought control but it makes things alot easier to use beliefs to your advantage instead of having them destroy you

tip to boost your progress of better thought habbits (and more feelings of positive heights in feeling) positivee affirmations work wonders

for example: i can remember better my best lessons i have ever had, tips to better your lives, memory boosts only work if you have more faith in it i know i get lazy when it comes to i dont try to perfect my memory all the way i just wanna remember the most important tips that help make all the difference to have best well being felt

and another huge tip to speed up your progress = believe life is easy already

if you believe its hard it makes it that much harder

law of attraction gives us best reasons to...think better feeling thoughts life  

having to test good faith which is the power....results show up faster for certain parts of life for the reason of.....you should practice being thankful even if you dont have much material things yet......be thankful helps with enjoying life

life teaches us that even though earth is kinda limited cause of it seems physical......actually...new science shows nothing is actually solid its all energy

some things take longer cause the spirits want us to master up...limitations at first....teaches the buddhist teaching of don't need things to be happy

if you can master that.....you can master anything

if you need things like your highest dreams to happen now and they dont see where im going? its about enjoying all the now in a mastered way = dont need anything except your well being material things or people to behave in a control freak way no offense you cant control people you can inspire them but cant control  them.... let go of control of life to give things it is about art of allowing

joy helps us earn more of those dreams to flourish as most real but honestly enjoy the ride dont rush to the finish line

 using the emotional guidance system!

Notes From The Book Called- Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships

i am so glad i found these cause i couldn't find and emotional guidance picture abraham-hicks quotes already made

so i will make them and they will be perfect for my website!

 thank you! Abraham's Esther Hicks:

Picture says:

So when you feel negative emotion, it always means that your currently active thought is out of alignment with the knowledge of Source. In other words, when you find fault with yourself, when you decide that you are inappropriate or unworthy, you will always feel negative emotion—because the Source within you only feels love toward you. When you disapprove of others, you will always feel negative emotion—because the Source within you only loves others. If you will remember that whenever you feel negative emotion, it always means you are in disagreement with Source, then you can deliberately reframe your thoughts until you come into alignment. That is the way to  effectively utilize your Guidance System.”

Picture says:

If people would simply pay attention to the harmony or disharmony within themselves—which is offered to them in the form of positive or negative emotion—they would be able to eliminate the arduous and impossible task of trying to control the behavior of others.”

To know if Source, Infinite Intelligence, Inner Being, God agrees or disagrees with the thought, word, or action you are involved in—you have only to notice if it feels good or bad. To find your peace regarding anything, it is necessary for you to set aside your desire to find approval from others and to seek approval from self. And you do that by starting from the inside out—by acknowledging that you want to feel good, and that you want to have a life experience that is in harmony with what is good. And if you start there, it is our absolute promise to you that you will never find yourself in a situation where the action that you are experiencing,” or even contemplating, will put you in a position of feeling that you have betrayed your greater sense of right and wrong.”

"Some would say, 'Then the feeling of guilt that I have must mean that I am doing something evil or wrong.' But we want you to understand that your negative emotion simply means that the thought that is vibrating within you does not match the Vibration of your Source. Source continues to love you. When you do not love you, you feel the discord. Stop and reach for loving, approving thoughts about yourself and feel the discord disappear,"

Don't Worry

Dont give a rip heart about what anyone thinks about you
"The message that you want to convey to the others with whom you are co-creating is this: “I will never hold you responsible for the way I feel. I have the power to focus myself into alignment with my Source, and therefore I have the power to keep myself feeling good.” If that is your true intention, then you have discovered the path, the only path, to true freedom and true happiness. But if your happiness is dependent upon the intentions or beliefs or behaviors of any other, you are trapped, for you cannot control any of that.”

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