0:1 Blog's Introduction

To see the Table of Contents click this: The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

Rule before you read anything:

Know my heart is big and i don't follow broken heart paths with beliefs...with that being said  i recommend that as a key tip number one i hope you'll see why as you read my content....if ways of seeing things had a staircase and the lowest step had the most negative point of view in metaphor i mean the highest felt best things as i write please keep that in mind as you read cause same words can mean different things i mean the best in feeling beliefs its what I'm talking about! That's how you get to know me and the higher self  holy spirits that any one can contact call it god(s) you can...i have more  tips to tune it! So you are welcome to explore! (Also read these:

Subjects of this Series of this website will include Free Course(s) on:
Nirvana , Cosmic Peace , Spirituality, Heaven Connected, Ascended Mastery, 3rd Eye Awakening, ESP, Good vibes, Radio Head Voices in tune, Channeling Higher Selves, Twin Flames, Intuition/Inner Guidance Strengthening, Good Morals, Christ Likeness, Real Love, Missions in Life, Ego/Lower Self Death, Spiritual Rebirth into Higher Selves Heart = Baptism, Programming the mind with Positive affirmations, Good faith, How to feel out what's Truth, Emotional Guidance System, Law of Attraction, Not hurting each other, loving everyone, New Commandments, The Upgraded Bible, and more!!

The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

Also Sorry my website has typos but..

Fecal Matter (Nirvana’s name before it was Nirvana)–> Illiteracy Will Prevail (Demo) He’s right and i think i'm funny You’ll learn more about Kurt Donald Cobain in my free content of this site (i lack punctuation and typo at times sorry!)

And Welcome to the Great Collage of not just Stories! Thank you all! 

“it’s like a bunch of pictures or etc not only by me but like a collage all these different perspectives = one huge bigger picture or aka a broader perspective from the higher ups known as gods too You get to choose your path but you are invited to the party!Be aware that i choose songs which i feel connect perfectly to help not only I paint this books picture .The big picture is therefore a collage of different pictures to make one big one, in metaphor (collective consciousness or co creating= the collage is like puzzle pieces… or keys from not only me) With that being said… Thanks Again!”

here's a great intro of hooks (info that makes my site addicting) :

lyrics i hear in smaller  print below 
tired tension (of wars) / our intention
you've been praying for (to stop wars)

0:7 The Peace Agenda=For world peace I've been training some so called 'illuminati' aka celebrities in hopes they will join me)

gods hopeful many / mary / marry
we/re/ri/dream 'recklessly' came in (we changing church lol)

2/14/2010 V Day red head, First Rihanna sex Dream Before i knew who She Was… on V-Day literally

lts/lets hope it aint stupid
your mother grows in steady <3
hymm brother knows / falls?
hears strange things? / his strange creates? 

2:1 What is this veil thinning? Turn on and Tune Voices, ESP , and the 6th sense! Ignore the Fear Vibe interpretations and Keep the meaningful ones! 

our home message what
dont hate any other 

The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

then go with your higher / hired 

(hired =  for mainly world peace helping)

dream/ dont hate your message

no matter watch/what pain? they play leave
its a matter/magic to really in / exchange know

live for/bold entire degrading match? (jesus vs himself?)
 red? (fire twin flame hot mirror selves)
in matter what you say/same? brainly
and you better/wetter / let her know
come out of weapons
say red (shes my peace but not only her)
barely eating me great but /red
come bad her/batter? we're through? be dream/great/pretty aint asshole that?
i will holy ghosts/gods
breathe fire

i told her that i home that homer gets to know you <3 
its greatest ideal
hope that you reach it/him /them beep (easy button to life press)
live holy intended with gods/ and her
its magical questioned?
sweet sweet grab him (i am very sweet in heart)
hoping you reach him (extension cord joke "connect")
sweet is sweetly matters told you sweetly knows
that (she knows me as karen they do too some)
only dreaming that/ red? this is madness inside you:?
do you?
(knockin on heavens doors sound lol) (unloading guns visual)
so the love is so with me now

red there hasnt been too many flames/plans
to even play with him/ them
smoking to know it aint bother you
for has good/god abandoned them?

dream momentarily hosts/holy flames (face me)
the real you god abandoned: it isnt like that
home momentarily play/blame me? isnt your magic?
its your magic game to find you (know the true self higher selves = perfect in vibe language heart feel it if not perfect dont follow to know that way)
red please him as in twin flame
land aint ow
for off his head
 (wonder land reference of spirit guidance to heart not broken heart paths with beliefs and more than beliefs, actions too please)
cough echo noise 

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