The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth


Book 1: Real Love with Fireworks and a set of 'diamonds' are forever

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= still needs to be worked on

 Chapter 0 The Introductions of this upgraded version of the world's bibles :

Chapter 1: Get to know heaven and you:

Section 7: Cool Science

Chapter 2: For the world to follow I Want to be a Best Example Of Loving All with Real Love


Chapter 3: More Important Keys 


Section 1: Do not murder
Section 2: Do not Suicide
Section 3: Do not steal
Section 4: Love everyone
Section 5: Why there is no hell in the after life
Section 6:  Law of Attraction 
Section 7: Do not: worry, worst what if, paranoia, nor judge without proper guidance (please feel your  heart speak)
Section 8: How to stay safe
Section 9: more on the corona Virus 
Section 10: Healed, and free from pain (atonement= at one meant=reallignment with god aka source)
Section 11: God = Source = Everywhere!

For The End and I Ask a favor here ðŸŽ¯

Thrice – Words In The Water

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