My Other Lives

Before Christ:

a Greek Gladiator
6342-6384 BC

 a popular Caribbean god aka my life as my character Miles

 Thutmose II 
(Born 1510 BC Died 1479 BC)
other names: Chebron, Chebros
married Hatshepsut (Kwin)

Other Names:  Echnaton,  Akhenaton, Ikhnaton, and Khuenate
Titles: Amenhotep IV
(This Pharaoh Reigned Around 1353- till he died in 1336 BC Egypt)
The Aten = Source of what gives life found everywhere = god in us aka love is our life force

Other names include: Siddhārtha Gautama, Siddhattha Gotama, Shakyamuni 

Buddha as an Avatar statue at Dwaraka Tirumala Temple, West Godavari district

  • [From wiki "was a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who lived in Ancient India (c. 5th to 4th century BCE).Born c. around 480 BCE Death c. 400 BCE (aged 80)"]


other names: Pallida Mors = "pale Death," Pluto / Hades, 
Death rides the pale white horse in Bible's Book of Revelations and too that is true as one of 'the 4 horsemen'
(around 3rd century BC)

Time of Christ's Life:

Both Jesus Christ = Lucifer= Morning star (from the bible) [Not = satan (thats different was mistranslated)]

After Christ's Death:

Leonardo da Vinci 
Lived: Apr 15, 1452 AD - May 02, 1519 AD (age 67)

from 1850 AD (Me)

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