Tuesday, June 2, 2020

10/28/12 Gun dream where me and brogan were tegan and sara lol

I Had a Dream There Once Came a Guy, With a Shot Gun..Everyone in THe Room Started To Hide..Even Under Eachother..Like hiding under Dead Bodies style "Mass Murder"(- A Voice Just Commented Lol)


I Also Tried Doing So..At THe Bottom of a Body Pile in A Closet..The Dream Reflected My Whatif Thought And He Shot Us Anyways (Me And My Twin-For Some Reason Me and Brogan Were Tegan And Sara Instead) He Shot Through The Body Pile a Bunch of Times And I Felt Getting Punctured


But It Didnt Hurt Like i Got Shot... I Knew I Would Survive.. But I Didnt Know Where My Twin Went..I Got Out Of The Pile, The Guy Was Gone


There Mightve Been a Dream Speed Up or A Gap of What I Dont Remember Happened To Transition


But As I Was Looking For My Twin "Flame"..... Someone Had Already Moved The Bodies.... 


When I Woke up I Was Like Why Did My Twin Die And Not I? (Lol It Rhymed XD) 

And The Voice Said "We Were Testing The Feelings In You" (-They Always Do That Lol They Have a Science Like Experiement Going On, They Gave Me That Metaphor Multiple Times Throughout...Even Back When I Was Still In School Before My Psychosis/Water Fasting-Epic Dream lol)


This Was The Next Dream, Continuing In A Scene Transition... 


There Was a Car Full Of People- The Bodies Were Alive! And being Taken To a Hotel (The Death Thing And Still Living Yeah-Rebirth Symbol Lol)


The Hotel I Had Suspitions About...(Maybe Worst What Ifing Im Not Sure Lol) 


I Saw The Hotel Being Built...Well...Layers Of It Rose From The Ground


The People in The Car Fit The Nightmare Before christmas Disney Movie In Animation Style... (I Just Commented On Marvins Photo Lol Because I Misread His Caption As 'This is Halloween' And Linked The Song From Youtube Lol..Weird Just Put That Together) (Appearently October is Known For The Month With The Thinnest Veil But I Would Like o Further Research that Lol) 


The First Layer In The Back (That The Other People Didnt Notice Because They Werent Pulled Up All the Way Yet) Seemed Dark..Shadow Figury Now That I Think Of It Lol I Thought The Hotel Was Corrupt In The Dream Though...And A Layer Popped Up To Cover That..And Another...It Kept "Looking Prettier" Lol It Did X) Ecspecially The Front..The Doorway..Awesome Camera Angles of That Giant Glowing Door! Lol X)


(Now it Seems Like There Are Shadow Metaphors To This...But In The Dream I Thought It Was Like The Disney Classic Pinocchio, How The Boys Were All Going To That One Place That Looked Cool But It Was Actually Corrupted Turning Them Into Donkeys Lol..All ThroughOut My Life Before My Psychosis Lessons I Had been Suspicious Of Other People Having Ulterior Motives Even When They Were To Compliment Me Or Say They Love Me i Would Let My Mind Twist It To Be The Opposite, Like How Could They Think Good Of Me For Real-Astrology Related Influences!!) 


Wow Now I Put The Dream Together Lol Good Thing I Wrote It Out Cause I Didnt UnderStand It At First And Thought It Was just NonSense Lol (-Slang Though Cause They Know What Theyre Doing With Their Symbology Lol) 


Home is Where The Heart Is..Get Through The Layers..Of Shadowness  (This Relates To the X Marks The Spot on The Chest, Will You Dig To Remember Yourself?) And As I Get More Positive (Could Add More But Keepin It Brief Lol) My Outside Reality Began To Change (Change Yourself Change The World!) Its Incredibly.....More Beautiful Now X)  Hehe GoodBye Ulterior Motives...Suspicious Paranoia is a No Go (I Did That With My Good Friends! Comeo On..Thats Hell Reality...'The Mind Can Make You Go Crazy Living in The Heart is Better'-Psychosis Wording Lol..... Inner Peace...Heaven On Earth lol) 

Tegan and Sara - Living Room [Music Video]

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