Tuesday, June 2, 2020

2:7 Activate Supreme Graditude and Deepest Tears (of joy) may come

Doorway Into Enlightenment ~ Bart & Jody

i can see i can see the sun rising slowly rising slowly through the years forever watching over me shining bright my heart feels this beauty brings me tears brings me tears of joy washing over me through the doorway into enlightenment you and i we know we are consciousness love is light and life is knowing it we are here together in this world as one
as one together in this world as one
i can see the clouds softly glowing/flowing through the sky forever they are knowing weaving me the memory connection im coming home for waiting activation through the doorway into enlightenment you and i we know we are consciousness love is light and light is knowing it we are here together in this world as one through the doorway into enlightenment you and i we know we are consciousness love is light and life is knowing/loving it
we are here together in this world as one 

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