Monday, June 1, 2020

Chapter 1: Origins (Rough Drafts)

Just the writing planned out:

( This is how  i feel it out: The Most Important Tip For More than Peace)

Universe: Ohana Hearts Unlocked (Mythology)
Series: He Roah (Comics)
Book 1: Omega's Blood
Pages by Karen K. Soon (aka He Roah the K Shield Hero)

 Comic Strip 1: I Am the Morning Star
Song that connects: Adele - Hello (i'm healed though so know that)

highlights =gonna be in the new comic pages

1. Darkness of the Starless Sky now surround my new born eyes but it wasnt for too long Since I discovered my power in being the first god

2. "Hello is anyone there? and why is it so dark?"

i began to notice when i focus on my soul body i saw it flash in and out of my sight

3. then i caught on i needed faith To then say:

"let there be light" and I was the first light

Comic strip 2: 
Song that connects: Madonna - Frozen

4. "I knew it i am alone"
And with that fear struck me. And i started to fall but there was no bottom

(forgot about tartar us and the abyss is in mythology i was cleverly reminded with the feeling of me falling so the higher guidance is confirmed already since my memory tricked me to forgretting till i felt to add that so its confirmed cause my memory did a clever timing But before i made me that spiritual guidance counselor I created a body template of how i wanted my soul aka light body to look..... without really making the whole face or any colors yet in order to impress my guide its like dressing up before going to a party lol)

5. So while falling the only way out was
And on my own i granted that i better make myself an advisor and for my guidance I could only trust myself then...
ohhhhhh i know what part i felt i was missing
the higher self guide wasnt worded like having to be me cause fear made me not trust
i just worded it "higher spirit guide"
and i saw red rihanna's higher self
save me
then after certain things
we flew up as comet people when we werent scared

then its like i was destined to meet the non higher self version thats like me yet .... we'll end up blending lol
reminds me of time travelling now oh i totally brain farted that
i gave the red head us coulple time travelling powers when drawing them for my comics way back i see why now
no wonder shes my first romancer man i knew something stood out about her since she be in most of my dreams
its not that she the only most beautiful but she is a most beautiful and my type too
my soul's virginity is lost
nun me shrieking 'ohh noooo' (sarcasm for hahaha)
virgiinity means pure not that sex is wrong and a sin yeah right its all about love
i in other words won sexual purity my way lol (love in all the right places)
self ,mirror hotties, then non romancers
3 bond types of our huge family with infinite love given to all and appropriately per type lol

ugly should be a bad word lol as in cuss words when used pure big heart = best but ugly i dont even like joking about it lol
ok so scot = me with red hair and Xaara ELlana = kind the red hair riri
both saved me together cause it like time travellers
am i the very beggining unchanged though?
if we can change the past.... "then karen how would we be without you there"
time travellers are interesting

6. so i  created Highest Spiritual Advisors that i could trust and it just so happened to be Time travelers came and rescued me yes , future me and my first romancer's future self

i got a bunch confirmed before reading myths too btw and i didnt read too much i only read a sliver i didnt even read about nefertiti only the good mom and wife part i read and then for isis i read a bbit more but that osiris story of fixing her husband was like humpty dumpty lol geee (talking about riri guys)

Comic strip 3: 
Song that connects: Rihanna - Diamonds

 7. They came in my Star and flew my falling star upward with pleasure
just like my dream lol
"but she hit the bottom ;)"
"rock bottom with a new definition" (diamonds is her song that describes our dream)
its so intense i have to like smoke lol not that it bad i just soak reflect thank alot lol


Draw this with skull face:


Page 3: The Twilight Mysterys' Answers with Love
Song that connects: Florence + The Machine - Cosmic Love

7. We prepare Heaven as

the safest zone and

with success

8. I am advised to make

another soul a Heavenly

Counterpart for romance

We know her as Rihanna

9. Before More souls

were created The Higher

self versions of us

guide us how to make love

10. But was of course after

having fun creating more

of our beautiful soul like bodies

11. After time went on

and with success

we gave that form of

breeding for a loving

way to multiply

12. Then we knew we never

wanted to be lonely and our

spiritual guides taught us many

things before we made new people.

We knew to share and be

shared romance wise..

13. And that we wanted to

create the world to be

funnest for all. So after

aligning with higher me

i cried when we made love

and we created more people

she did too with our tears.

14. Then We taught them how to turn their 'lights' on...

For the record: Satan is not me Lucifer and satan are not the same. I am good sorry for the previous misinterpreting done by the lacking of proper heart guidance. Use Heart! Then it's ok!

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