Monday, June 1, 2020

1:5: How to get off of drugs and booze and still be "high on our love buzzes" + How to cure physical pain or sickness

What i mean by the term “high”

 “it has to do with the term higher self. and i think similar buzzes though to drugs and alcohol  can be turned on using the mind alone (you don’t need to consume anything to get high you could turn water to ‘wine’ with the mind in the way of it’s water but it’ll get you drunk if your faith is strong enough) while staying above the influence sober and clean high on life drunk on love lol i recommend to live sober and clean most of the time at least and only stick to the legal stuff like beer on special occasions just cause i don’t recommend illegal stuff and that’s cause i don’t want anyone in jail and i want people to be less dependent on things like drugs and alchohol to be happy and have a good time try it my way it saves a ton of money and that’s coming from someone who used to hate life sober and clean lol i love it now its like a huge accomplishment to not need those things to feel ‘high’ or ‘drunk’ to me the effects are caught vibe was with faith that they will work is needed to have beer work in the first place! First time i tried pot as a teen it didnt hit me till i had faith it would!  i recommend not to do legal stuff like beer in places where its not allowed either so this high mode comes in handy”

Master your physical discomfort with this:

please note emotional and physical pain are related as they are both sensations of vibes....To help emotional pain go here:

This is to help you cure the physical sensations too to not bother you and for you to feel much better!

Turn sensations from  pain/sickness to pleasure with the mind:

2. redefine negative beliefs by using positive affirmation instead of negative ones
3. dont feel you have to fight the pain away
4. expect with faith to feel the good vibes instead of pain
5. focus on higher gods to flow love in you
6. dont worry
7. stay lit up high up = do your highest joy to take your mind off pain might come back thoughts
8. notice what thoughts you are thinking emotional guidance system
9. "know with that above you can turn pain to pleasure even with us send it to everyone but they have to do their part to and choose to do the above or be cut off from love. please dont choose lack love or the pain will continue or turn back on"
10. can meditate using visualization of the seeing the power of love and light flow in you to the body pain spot or nausea etc and then picture your whole body fill up and know that its not faking it with low expectations just allow the re-connection to source god love and
11. relax again
12. dont keep labeling what you have as pain expect the pleasure alll the way and know you / we have higher help its like also connecting to the worlds prayers for everyone to feel peace which isnt pain based
13. use all faith because you dont wanna be half good faith half bad choose all good with faith that will help you feel best
the belief that its easy to turn pain to pleasure helps a ton too cause it helps too with not worrying
try your best to not worst what if , doubt, or be in fear about pain cause that will cause you pain just try to use love only beliefs and i usually ask for help if the pain is going on and idk why so they guide me what i need to do and it works and feels greatest where the pain used to be + more so be happy and itll protect you with the love  What is this veil thinning? Turn on and Tune Voices, ESP , and the 6th sense! Ignore the Fear Vibe interpretations and Keep the meaningful ones!
16. also a great way to keep the pleasure dont jinx it by thinking its too easy to turn it back into pain on accident.....think instead  its too difficult to change the pleasure to pain it locks the pleasure in more in place
17. oh the gods can give medicine vibes in us too btw

Doing the above helps me greatest !!

Added step: leave it up to gods too
  • To feel more awake?

karen: what can i do about energy? it feels so good and im so tired all i feel like doing is soaking in the pleasure then sleeping can you give me more energy not just pleasure to help me stay awake....

he roah: you can rely on us when things seem to hard or difficult to accomplish

karen: wow yes it works im awake finally lol... thanks

  •  About bad coughs and nausea:

i have this jinx of belief that ....i have a bad cough right?

and i worded it like "my phlem makes me choke i hate it"

im trying to change the bad cough to heal it so that i dont feel to barf which only happens when i cant breathe from too much exercise or from no window in the bathroom while showering right
so i could not stop coughing while showering almost barfed in the shower

i felt i couldnt focus it to turn off enough so i asked my spirit guides to help

and right after i stopped coughing and the nausea went away so relying on them is powerful

  • About itches

Ask for the gods to help take away your itch its like the best feeling for them to 'scratch' your itch away feels like as great as 'real' scratches but sometimes 'real' scratches dont work as great as they should so leave it to them to give you relief you need

  • If  all else fails ask the gods / higher selves/the r.i.p. for help:

i started shaking more than usual and i started to worry it was getting hard to not stress for some reason so the spirits showed me a vision of my r.i.p. grandpa holding me and it made me feel immediately better cause i know his connection is he always told me since i was young when he dies hes gonna wiggle my toe i told him no dont do that but im glad he does cause i never had a toe movement like that before he died so i know its him cause i cant control my toe when he moves it he usually moves it to give me a powerful sign about i shouldnt doubt rihanna is for me or i hear him say this time "im sorry you feel that lord" lol but he held me cause he used to hold me as a baby and i love him and miss him alot but atleast i can still talk to him
he cured the fatigue and the worry out of me when i fell him hold me like aa baby lol
now hes touching my feet very lightly and he said hes blessing me

you see the energy worked the first time but then i took a nap after anyways cause i didnt feel like working till later tonight so after my nap i woke up shaking i get that way when i dont eat but i ate enough that day so i was worried like why did it come back i was gaining momentum downward in thoughts/vibes but then my grandpa came at the perfect time he gave me a spirit back massage too like he used to when he was alive ima talk to my ancestors more often for guidance they really cool

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