Tuesday, June 2, 2020

7/7/12 Karen work on music/work with Brogan Dream


"Wake up.. i Heard.. 'Karen work on music' " (First read that as work as play until i typed it lol)

" ' And thats not just Sing ' 'Have Dad resting your Guitar' " lol (i still havent stringed mine and ive been using his lol it has a skinnier fret board neck thing lol 


"i thnk my dream had to do with Twin Flames but.. I cant remember it :/


" 'The veil is getting Thinner a bit between you two' (was that in the dream or from a guide? lol..guide) 

I might remeber Brogans face a bit... Idk lots of color.. woah i could picture her playing guitar in front of me... are we in our front yard? i see..yeah lol Wow i heard a thing 'Inspirations here with her' " (wow no wonder they wanted me towrite this im reviewing lol crazy...) "Believe for a bit that she's going to write with you" (interesting indirect clue there oh guides you throw out lol) 

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