Tuesday, June 2, 2020

3 unknown date brogan dreams in lol 2012

Just Found my Other Journal lol I knew i had More!


This ones a No Dater lol 


Im going to speed it to the part about you cause its long and out of order lol 


"I follow (Will Messmore my Elementary Crush) Will and he turned into a little Girl on a tricycle!

When she was standing through towards, me 'I saw you Morph' & she snibled" (wow is that what it saud? , was gonna say said lol cause i dont remember lol but i just saw a flash of a Dr who style sharp teeth little girl..like the dogs..thats another story ahahah i could add more to those dogs ahhahh funny XD..Do you Watch Dr Who?!) 


"She Went behind a screen door. I asked her that i had something to ask her and said 'Is Brogan my Twin Flame'.. She said something like idk but She Drives you Crazy (had that underlined lol) I took that as a comfirmation lol"


"Projected out"-i think thats what the guides told me as i was writing it Lol cause the next part 

"She then said something like i was Shady. I was kind of worried about her ask...i mean asking her abou it..mirror huh? Lol


" 'like a what about me' Thing...Hmmmmm.. i saw my Mom and Kindof pointed my finger at Her... like "my moms right there" (litterally to the little girl lol i forgot to write that literal in the journal, interesting)

It looked like my Mom wasnt as a Good Angle to look at the glass but she mentioned psychiatry"  


Im not going to continue this one causee yeahhh its long lol But i Titled it Reflected Anger because there was alot of Reflections and Anger in the DReam


"I saw 2 Babies. One took the Cheek of the other with their fingers and kissed it lmao i kissed caye" (WTF IS THAT AUTOWRITE..oh ...they want me to look it up lol 

  • Cay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia also spelled caye or key, is a small, low-elevation, sandy island (theyve been mentioning hawaii alot laely today lol 
  •  Scrolling down other websites on the google search without clicking them.. certain words popping: maps, detail, (they old me to pay attention to the details a longg time ago, starting back with the tarots lol goes with attention sharpening more awarness) | lodging(flashed as Long), history |new opportunities

"it was a funny thing to do. 2 Boys. -Then on the INternet i saw 2 guys Dance like Crazy on a Youtube Video.. THey were both REally Skinny and Had Glasses. (i had i feeling that they were OMGG i was about to say Twins seperated at Birth! ahahahah XD Like the babie boys grew up annnd look another Youtubeeee reference lol)


im gonna skipp the rest lol 



"I had a Dream where i finally met up with Brogan & before that dream there was Brogan reference in the last words that i remembered before i woke up but i forget it. I remember Bree..Jane? maybe megan too (i hung out with them the past 3 days-when it was then lol) 


I saw her and went up to her, i went to hug her and Brogan (the hers were you lol) She said something like "You dont need me right?" lol But i do remember giving her a long ass hug after that.... her boobs were by my head lol.....i felt close with her -& the bird outside just said 'ill see you soon' lol "


Skip the Rest..it was about a youtuber ReeseJones87, He has pretty great videos lol Him riding a unicycle in the rain and fell in a puddle and woke up lol i put it short


Buuuuut yeahhhh 


The last part "I Enjoyed that Brogan Hug" :) awwwww lololol 


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