Tuesday, June 2, 2020

8/17/12 Brogan Turtle and owl dreams and the symbol of them combined

"I Had a Dream that Brogan read my Letters & Changed her FB Banner to a Turtle, it had a youtube Edit Reference"



i put a drawing lol, youtube has an editor with the Original | Effect thing on your Turtle..


Next Line lol"She Really Fed My Ego Lol (Gave me a Confidence Boost c: ) And she told me not to Act Shy and Skinny as Hell lmaooo



 (i remember you saying something like thta when i left you shirt...i meant my ahahahha woww..remember?  at your house and you had to go look for it upstairs lol I thought you stole it XP lmaoo)



"She didnt mind mentioning me on the Internet" That Were Twin Flames :) You Were Open About it






I Used To Associate Myself With Turtles, I Love Them lol

And Brogan Loved Owls, So After that When I Saw Them I Thought Of Her Lol

I Had a Dream About An Owl (Which Much Later I Put Together That It Was a Kind That Looked Similar To Brogans Tattoo)

The Owl Was in A Bird Cage And it Was Rambling On And On About Off the Wall Crazy Things And I Was trying To Focus In And Understand It-It Had a Mad Hatter Crazy Vibe LolThis Was Before My ACUTE Psychosis Began (And During Psychosis, Looking Back..Ive Had These Kind Of Rambles lol..I Was Talking ALOT..One Of The Psychosis Symptoms Lol Funny) (More On Psychosis Here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKafCD_loau1hvN3BCPVG_qMhNjyjVt8U)


Pshychosis Taught me To Break Out Of My Shell (Along With My Solar Return Chart For This Year With My Leo Moon And Rising Influences/I Used To See Brogan As SO Much Louder And Outgoing Than Me)


Brogan Being My Mirror (Twin Flame Mirror For Balance).. I Found Out She Got Quiet (This Was a While Ago Lol)

Messaging Her On FB, The Voice Speciffically Told me To Ask Her- If She Felt More TurtleyAnd She Say That Part Stood Out (Out of The Many many Letters Lol I Talked Alot....-Different than How I Used To be Lol)


And To My Surprise-She Said She Has Been Feeling more Turtley! (This Was Monthssssssssss Ago Lol)

And A Bit After That When She Finally Came Over (Brought George And Delani And Before This Time Its Been Almost 2 years Since ive Last Seen Her)

I Noticed That She Got ALOT Quieter...And i Was The Loud One, We Switched..


I Became More Owl Like (As a Metaphor..I Shadow Merged-Accepted my Shadow traits And Even Felt Like i Got More Brogan traits..like Being Louder..And Aries traits Even..Like the Spontaneousness Instead of letting the Cappy Limit Me Lol And Saw Owls morph In Pictures Of Me That I Was Editing And In My Mirror Reflection Lol)


Theres More To The Story And Im Rambling But Yeah..


Now I Know That Balance Is Key!... I Feel More Reserved Lately (Except Since I Shadow Merged Im Not Limited To JUST/MOSTLY Reserved Like i Used To Be..In Fear Lol) Shes Prolly Breaking out Of The Turtle Shell  Now X) (She Has a Leo Rising Solar return Chart For This Year So Im Sure Thatll Kick In lol Slang-Cant Wait To See Her Lol Twin Flame Meet Ups With Universe.... Time Is Crazy in Genral But Twin Flames...theres a Reason Why The Internet Uses the Intense Word So Much When It Comes To Them Lol) 


So Yeeahhhh thats The Turtle Owl Morph Metaphor Hahahah

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