Tuesday, June 2, 2020

8/5/12 Brogan and a baby Dream with the sky is your blanket emphasis

i saw Brogan in my Dream. She had a Baby to take care of. I helped a bit. (Note:) Baby Symbol Related to Butterflying" ahah Already told you about this baby symbol in the letters :) 


"I kept wanting to kiss her and did at some point and she leaned in so Fast when i kissed her on the cheek i wanted it to continue but the angle was weird. I tried holding her face and i wanted it to ger heavier than soft but her baby started to 'Fuss up'."


"I wanted to talk to her but others being around seemed to be contributing to her being quiet.." 


Woahhhhhhh!!!!! You know what this line refers to right? lol So fucking Crazyyy ahahahh i should write my dreams down more often !! lol Even though the next line?  maybe adds lol Dog-" to what i thought" 

um just saw white blanket flash up ahaha reminds me of the Cipes and the People Song i put in your mixtape :) 

 He says 'The Sky is your Blanket' 'Movie Life'-inner voice ahahahhah Did you listen?! :D he used that metaphor too lol Interactive Movie Rpgness of Life! ahha 


"Others like Family. She was going to leave Errr She thought i was! But i told her i can Stay and i was hoping we'd get to talk and Stuff and I hinted to spending the night at some point i had an Ego thought of her not caring bit Cancled it! Heackk Yeahhh :D and that made the 'outside' seem better"


"I miss her.......i hope she does come soon................


I remember Comlimenting some of her Art and i want to see more. There was this bald guy there that Made a Raw plant food dish but didnt reply when i asked if it was organic.. My mom also held the baby a little" Had the thought come up ooo and a flash of her feeding the baby, the was a blanket over her, bouncing and opening the cabnet like a presenter lol boody language...  i think its the Food Sharing :)

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