Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Jul 4, 2017 a wedding dream with rihanna and the cake symbol

added: watch the other dreams too im meant to have more than one lover i read past signs wrong

My Sleep Dream Jul 4, 2017 a wedding dream with rihanna by Karen k Soon nevermind this part then i went to sleep and dreamt of rihanna we were gonna get married in the dream and that we lived together and were very deep in love  lol and i knew other people are just friends i slept after that just to have her in my dreams again its a bday cake inside joke 😉 which she has a song rhymes with whoop = cake lol Birthday Cake and everyday a bday

 (like unbday to you alice and wonderland disney cartoon)

but i mean it this way:

i want to be the girl with the most 'cake' 

don't we all ;)

heres a hint:

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