Tuesday, June 2, 2020

November 3, 2012 My Early Psychosis Adventure 1: This is why i dont think bugs have souls

2020 add:

this story reminded me of being like jesus at the time cause of dolores cannon books they walked with jesus and  jesus and the essences

the past life regression therapy  patients that claimed to have past life with jesus christ said jesus used to stare at the grass watching it grow with his big blue eyes (which reminded me of kurt)

Written November 3, 2012 at 1:08 AM:

I Used To Light Ants On Fire And Smash Bugs (too) Lol So Acute Psychosis Taught Me

They Have a Soul Too X) I Dont Have To Kill Em All At All Haha,, Malcolm In The Middle LOl

 (back when i was vegan lol)


During Acute Psychosis I Kissed Pincher Bugs..More Than Once..Actually, Many Times..Different Bugs..But Mostly Pinchers


I Used To Be Afraid Of Bugs, But Even They Have a Soul Just Like Us...I Tried To Help Them Raise To the Higher Dimension.(Even Bugs Count And I Thought The More Points The Better Lol Like a Game).A Voice Said Hugs And Kisses Were Powerful..The Voice Also Included That Kisses Were more Powerful With Tongue.. (Which I Saw Truth In But It Evolved From Humans To Bugs..And Also Including Ammals & Trees Lol Theres A Specific Tree in Genral..A Neighbors Down The Street (Who I Have Yet To Meet)...It Had Facial Expressions..I Visited It More Than Once..It Asked Me To Return.. And Those Times It Was Late At Night .. I Made Friends With It...A Connection Was Made.. Eventually My Family Caught On.. And That Was That lol..Its Weird Seeing The Leaves a Different Color Now Lol It aint Green No More Lol... .I Dont Want To Get Too Off Bug Topic Lol..Anyways..Bugs..) 


I Spent Hours Talking To Them..Even 5-Probably More Hours And Thats Straight Lol (Yes I Went To The Bathroom Though Lol That Doesnt Count! XD) ButIm  Not Counting The Hours Of The Bugs That Stayed Over Night At the Plate Inn That I Made For Them...( I Ended Up Staying Awake For Hours of The Night..Making Food For People...My Mom Said I Lost Track Of Time-It Distorted..But Ended up Putting Most Of The Food In the Freezer Continuing To Make New Ones..I Can Explain More Lol But Thats another Story Lol I Have Had MANY Psychosis Adventures..Hehe) 


This... Hours Of Bug Talking..Leading Them Up To Agreeing To Be Kissed to go To The higher Dimension ( I Had To Persuade Them, Teach Them Earth Shift Stuffs Lol..Didnt Have To I Was Never Forced By Another..But Not Being 'Sharp' Enough..I Forced Myself) I Continued Eventhough It, At First, Had Me Scared And Later Had Me Bored Of The Repetition..(This Was Before the Heart Lesson) 


I Didnt Want To Leave The Other Bugs Out OF The Converting Sessions lol...(Worst What if It Would Be All My Fault If they Didnt Come With Me-Thats Too Much Pressure For My Shoulders..But My Intentions Were Good..I Tried So Hard..) A Bit Off the Wall But It Taught Me Valuable Lessons...


Also Bonding Time With My Little Siblings- Helping Me Feed Them (The Bugs) My Raw Vegan Foods And Watching Them Drink Water..(Giving Them More Power to Raise Up) 


My Heart Grew Open For Them 


Note: When i Was a Littleeeee Kid..My Auntie Said I Used To Protect Them...Never Let Anyone Step On Them..They Always Bought Me Bug Pjs/Toys..Even When I stopped liking Them..I Grew Afraid Of Spiders| 


Another Note: Having a Pincher Crawling all Over Me Saying May Hair Was Fun To Crawl through like a Forest 


(How I Understood Bugs Speaking English-I Thought Of The Subconscious translator Like The mormon Invention Called the Urim and Thummim Which Helped them Translate The Scriptures...Think Channeling/Understanding Through Telepathic Conversations With ETs...)


It Ended Up Falling To the Floor And i Felt So Bad And Go To pick It Up But WHAM A Big Black Spider Falls out Of Nowhere (Under The Sink Cupboard Thingy, Hidden From My Previous Angle Of Sight lol) And Immediately Starts Spinning It In Its Web like a Mummy!!


I Freak Out! Like OMG WTF I WANT TO SAVE IT BUT WHAT DO I DO??? The Thought Of Letting It Die Enters My Head But I Quickly Turned Down that Option....I Just Couldnt Walk Away...Staring In Fear..And I Calm Down My Thinking Of Just Reaching My Hand (Self Sacrifice And Face Fear But That Was Still A More Dangerous Option Lol) By Asking The Voice What I Should Do (While Not Trying To Feel Anxious With the Pressure Of I GOTTA HURRY BEFORE ITS TOO LATE And All My Fault....)


And I Felt Like There Was Something That I Could Use Close By..I Got The Strong Urge To Turn around And i See A Broom! Connected To It Was The Dustpan And Use that Narrower Part To Nudge The Spiders String Of a Web And It Quicklyyyyy Release My Pincher And Went Up To Disappear From My Sight Again...


I Cautiously Pick It Up And An First I Think Its Hurt By The Way It Was Seizing Around But It Was Just The Web And Walked Normally After Untangling Itself... It Said 'I Almost Had a Heart Attack And It Made Me Laugh Lol 


I Take It Back To The Bug Home Plate That I Used To Feed And Give Them Water But It Quickly Left...I Thought It Needed to Recuperate From The Heart Attack And Find Some Cozy Safe Place To Sleep It Off Lol 


I Felt Bad For Taking The Spiders Lunch Though...And When I Apologized To It (While Keeping My Distance)  It Surprised Me By Telling Me It Was Ok...And I Felt Like I Did the Right Thing


( I Could Provide More But Thats Enough... lol a Good Book Preview Eh? Lol Psychosis Adventures ..Added A Heck Of Alot To My Story Lol)


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