Thursday, June 4, 2020

Minoan+Greek Gladiator

My Minoan+Greek Gladiator Past life in Crete (Born in Heraklion a city in Crete)

he roah is channeled in quotation marks

im 26 writing this:

i was 42 when i died in this ancient time

I had a dream 5/13/2020
of rihanna showing me i was from Egypt and greek blended together i was in greek but saw pyramids being built was desert and i saw me as a gladiator with a circle shied ...statue ...the dream kept saying the city was herak and crete (which  Heraklion is in crete) i had no idea these were cities prior to the dream and wasnt sure why greek blended with egypt stuff
so then i found this out from the internet:
Crete is the middle between Greece and below it is Egypt. (based on my spiritual guidance etc etc
Crete wasn't all island during this time. (This time i was in was too early to have proper documentation for Earth history. ) was the city submerged under water over the years of crete? "yes"
i found this on google The Origins of Greece: Minoan, Mycenaean and Egyptian Influence
The Story
where the f did this memory come from? so familiar... added note later: i think i texted kwin  this memory to her so very long ago i think i was 19? (but i didnt know the egypt or cities details and i didnt know i was right then but it sure sparked up real emotions from those visions)
i took my gladiator dads Armour (my dad died in battle the Armour was like a trophy but then i had to use it to help defend the city)
and forced to go to battle left my wife at home was a city under attack( my wife had kwins face then... 
did greek and egypt territories blend? yes"  "not in the typical thats egpyt thats greek but the cultures meaning the citizens migrated took other cities then over the generations became greeks and egyptians as a more seperate country and country "
who was i in the ancient crete that was greek plus egypt in my dream? "who was in the war? greek and egypt" "i was greek minoan the greek egyptians however didnt generally like the minoans and you died in the battle after you left your wife you thought was safer at home so you left her" hmmmmm i see our house was invaded "she died in that war too eventually you see how your greek house was on fire welll.....were sorry though you two were reunited and alright in heaven planned more lives"
was i a statue? what was my gladitor name? "even though it wasnt further documented you werent a well known gladiator but you were honored as a statue yes" so i wont find me in the history "no to others over looking what wouldve been your statue you were just called a gladiator like an icon but".....
"over time your statue was destroyed by egpyt" really ? "yes" where was the statue? "crete is bigger than you know it wasnt all over come by egypt"
How come i saw in a different dream a of the giant foot of that statue like it worn down through time a very very long time ago i think riri was in that one too the foot was on a hill however over looking water like on a grass cliff thing wasnt a sharp cliff like lion king it was more rounded on the cliff part  the foot statue was like jesus sandalswas the statue big ? "yes they tried to be as big as egypt's statues" are the feet left today ? "no im sorry"
i died as a suicide off a bridge cause to the crete culture that i was it was more honorable to die by suicide than to be killed in that past life ......i gotta learn about the more lives.. they say egyptians just thought we were evil so they thought to take over our land but they didnt know greece was very large apart from the island lol
it was a weird bridge all greek like
i just got cornered of 3 guys vs me from that height i thought there wasnt another way to go through the out numbered me but i had friend gladitors that why the story of me honored i got a statue but ....yeah sad kwin died by a spear she seemed so heart broken about the bad news i didnt make it back home to her but ...."did we have kids" "yes" who? "your brother john was your daughter she was about 8 when her mom sent her to live more north with her grand father..." did she survive the egypt war? "yes she didnt die of old age she died of living in constant fear cause her grandfather died protecting her" oh ,,,,sad "but you know it adds meaning to how you still know those bonds" i see ...
"your name wasn't christos yet but the gladiator was named after jon your father ironically..." did we have last names? "pronounced prezentanease" the name back then i know there was a greek alphabet? was their language like that "yes" "though was ancient so most dont know the proper old way to prounounce it"
hmmmmmm "we just wanted you to see you were honored in more than just the myths earth is old to you"
i remember that story of the gladiator and my wife but ...."why is that sad when you two are alive and know who eachother are"  oh ok :) they making me happy  "we want you to write about each of your past lives with your us as guides i am clear to show you the yes really or no really arent i?" yes

" i think rihanna was a gladitor then too......? "that was not her territory then" oh? but was "later on in earths history with records"
:/ roah hep me recover i dont like death stories "but didnt it help bring you closer to your bonds plus you want more memories known and they on the way"
i dont wanna know how the daughter died ill skip that "as you wish" they help me i feel kwin now lol we lucky mutha fers arent we 

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