Tuesday, June 2, 2020

my kid self Ages before age 11

in the elementary school days i made a unpopular kids group as the cool other kids i was first in the boys team only at rescess then i realized girls are cool and hung out with mixed groups

 i always drew me as boy characters i wanted to look like and be as other me styles (still do that today too lol) i wanted to be a boy and marry a girl

the red haired april to looks like the rihanna dreamt about before i knew she was alive for real yay

that april toy was my wife when i played with my toys i since age 5 played this main story over and over self sacrificing to save my wife taking her place to get tortured by evil bad guys usually my wife saves me and my tmnt family helps her rescue me i wasnt not trying to be like jesus i thought jesus was like me lol

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