Monday, June 1, 2020

0:7 The Peace Agenda=For world peace I've been training some so called 'illuminati' aka celebrities in hopes they will join me)

looks like money on fire every time!:

 my goal was never ever to be like...the only savior the plan i had was to get big and small companies to all contribute wisdom to spread awareness of peaceful tips for better best even lives and living and imagine like family guy etc harry potter the simpsons etc making this huge and a website to plug in youtube videos maybe all showing peoples posts about #thepeaceagenda  or something and yeah WORLD PEACE OMFG would be the so coolest thing to achieve ever and not just our world but other worlds are affected by us 

i call everyone a keystone 

im not in it for rich and fame i just know i can help
i take my time to explain here:
First note: The Theme of this site include being heaven connected This song is about that i titled it Pirate(s) Found By He Roah = Me aligned with my higher self (It’s about being in contact with the 'dead', and their guidance… more on how i channel music will be on this site) it a dirty inside joke we have

Lyrics i hear (was possessed style higher self channeling)
 Find Dead back (Holy Ghosts or Higher Selves)
and from no woe
and foe? no no oh woah
Find dead back
and for Young Roah
woe? woah hoho
Den from young roah den
inForm young roah and vote
Find dead back
and vote
Fun head banging, Fun her, pull in
All up and
flow more up ( up is positive like cheer up)

What’s vote mean?

“If i ever get rich id print this book out and hand them out for free to homeless and mental health and try to run for president and join all the whole earth but i need everyone to save themselves so please accept saviors! Im only one, out of so many! Please continue To read if you are stuck in negative aspects of your own life! i will try to assist in saving thee!” =Karen K Soon Aka He Roah The K Shield Hero!


Debunking the Evil Illuminati

Introducing Illuminati also i hope to dismantle the fear , especially about illuminati info! Those judgments are not the right way to go you’ll see why as you read They Want love too…Governments aren’t a threat….Nwo joining all governments together = Best if we can join the world in a unified way that we keep bettering the world for peace that kind of nwo id love to help create! The illumination of light in the word Illuminati just never worry about defining anyone as evil cause we are all smart we can change as fast as an idea can sink in we have to feel it in which feels literally best to do….at all now moments…inspiration is fuel….it really helps with refunding your purpose My sleep dreams about the Illuminati said they evolved to want love and that the evil group doesn’t exist anymore just don’t worry about danger coming to you…its in the law of attraction = how i stay safe and i honestly just ask the higher self spirit guides aka gods if I’m safe and they help me feel i am in an infinite grand amount where i trust that kind of heart touched….greatly its too sincere in feeling to say oh its not real….how would you know whats real without vibes hitting you in the best way for a compass to best = follow your bliss! Pain is the wrong path to follow….its cut off from love that’s why it hurts we can choose that but i don’t recommend it but if you choose pain beliefs someday you will wanna stop the pain and know you can with good faith suicide is never the best route in design sure we come right back to earth sometimes i know i did…. you figure out more about me and who the he roah is that i channel once you choose to continue reading after 00b is over…. ” 

Rihanna is pictured below (the smoke says dream)

Black Eyed Peas - Be Nice (feat. Snoop Dogg)

The Peace Agenda:
Theme: Save the world Gods/Goddesses = our reality (feel its saved already the lacking of it will show you vibes that are bad = that's the wrong belief path when it don't feel best perfectly in value vibe wise.....not best in the false self ego logic sense of it... higher self blend ftw both important for best law of attraction)
Charity: Help Everyone Get Homes (will make it when i get rich enough)
Mission: Give Awareness = Most Presents to be known in Heaven on Earth
Slogan: Every one is as important as the Key stone
World Message: Hearts unlocked (Nowhere man the blue meanies lol beatles joke i see it like about fear lol....fear aka satan being no where in belief  is a best tip read the whole book  For more!)

Cool Theme Songs For this Website:

Rihanna - World Peace (Lyrics)

 World Peace Reasons:

Belinda Carlisle - Heaven Is A Place On Earth (Official Video)

Rihanna - We all want love (Lyrics)

Tangled Lyric Video | I've Got A Dream | Sing Along

Peace is found inside first
(“Be the change that you wish to see in the world." ... "It requires change of heart.”= Mahatma Gandhi)
Then know with me, the rest of the world is not so far behind....look inside to know earth's fate is in knowing we've won!!

Green Day - Working Class Hero (Video)


Give Peace A Chance - Plastic Ono Band (official music video HD)

Green Day - 21 Guns [Official Music Video]

We As Human (feat. Lacey Sturm) - Take The Bullets Away - OFFICIAL Lyrics

 i wish to help turn illuminati/N.W.O.  into a peace thing (not evil at all)

The Black Eyed Peas - RING THE ALARM pt.1 pt.2 pt.3

Facebook album:

Here is my current celebrity related info is here: will they help me save the world? it wouldnt be me forcing them it'd be their highest joy to help i wrote this before physically meeting any celebrity as karen yet (see my My Sleep Dream Journal for more celebrity dreams) and i know they will come around i just dont know when or who for sure thats fine im having fun all the way there.....;)

i wish to help turn illuminati into a good thing (not evil at all)

in this way: eye pyramid = god ra = like the horus eye

the wiki pic reads:
The Eye of Horus is similar to the Eye of Ra, which belongs to a different god, Ra, but represents many of the same concepts. Funerary amulets were often made in the shape of the Eye of Horus.[3] The symbol "was intended to protect the pharaoh [here] in the afterlife"[3] and to ward off evil.

hey is beyonce horus? "was yes"
maybe thats why i drew a eagle / falcon well the warp did lol (comic pic is more down this page)

eye pyramid thing is illuminati symbol thats on americas one dollar bill

see the creation story it has good translation of it but i wanna tell it all though its missing some things lol its a great symbol of god thats all

its cool cause......... i just realized omfg mind blowing i will share

musicians that are hugely popular are conspiracy theories as evil illuminati members right?
but the illuminati celebrities are destined to help me so

ilet them illuminate (light up) ra

(my highest self basicallly) but thats just not to honor ra only thats everyone as god and my 'stair way to heaven' = these comics were gonna team on world peace stuff and i wont force them just watch....
they not really evil they all want true love thats real

Link illluminati dreams here:
  • Will later

i want you to know i tagged every single page i knew of  in this convo

oh i bothered the heck out of them when i was alot younger because i pictured celebs as too busy to read all their notifications so thats why i commented so much
sorry if i didnt tag all thats impossible lol

but heres a rough draft to tell you more (i say it because many songs confirm telepathy and more than just songs as signs but again use Section 2A. Is your radio head Hearing Voices? or want to?! I kindly offer some Tuning tips :

may 21, 2020:
Image may contain: 3 people, indoor

Comic page says:

Disclaimer: This Comic Makes no profit Some images are not mine!

This Upgraded Bible is Titled:
The Keys To Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

Book 1: The Living Legends , We're back!
Subtitle: You are all worthy enough
Chapter 1: Highest Exaltation is meant to be Shared Equally
Page 1: Us Heroes never meant to Stand out too much
Because we know we're not better than anyone else!

Good News is: The Present is Eternally Now and is a Huge Gift!

1:1 This series retells
more than the Earth's
Ancient mythologies
missing pieces...

This art below is titled:
Nagual (Means Shape
Shifter lol)

Page and Nagual art
by Karen K. Soon
(He Roah the K
Shield Hero)

1:2 In this clever way of
change let them be a
mystery no more with
our powerful heart we
reinterpret Earths History

If you continue
we warn theres
no real way to
end this series

1:4 Come together let us
know i started this before
we spoke but thats only if
you only count speaking
with a more physical
approach than say,,,,

1:5 to mind read!
(casper the friendly
ghost here for a

1:6 To let it depend on every approach
though....say you wanna connect to
a highest form of guidance
from heaven?! To then expand it....

1:7 Let the messenger gods sort out our
'self phone' messages to only those who
gave permission to hear spirits (Faith
is a permission slip)

Open and use
you're heart to

To Let the
REAL fun begin!

Will say more on
how in a bit...

(Lady Gaga -
ft. Beyoncé ,
with Dr Who's
Tardis in the back)

Dear Child (I've Been
Dying To Reach You)]

(These are used as respectable inside 'jokes')

Earths best fate and
destiny will depend
on this approach...

So that someday
earth will never
war again is what
we always wanted

Let this be for the wars
to never repeat once i
its over this time its for good

Heaven is perfect real best love vibes in every word , anything less than
perfect in feeling...Dont Believe The point is to emotionally feel guided
...when its the right station, The Heavenly ones i talk to with my radio head
are obviously of highest perfection they dont try to be mean me

Extra Stuff:

 About the art: Nagual (Means Shape Shifter lol)

i was warping pixabay pics together for a border but then i noticed without the panels to look at the whole background i was making it made that bird on its own it like a green eagle wit ha cape but i might recolor it idk the ring the mouth of the bird was a solar eclipse or lunar idk the difference but i made the glow part isolated and deleted the rest and made it a ring

maybe i could record behind the scene notes for the website lol

so far i didnt draw on this panel at all lol

pics i used :

i just lower opacity to blend them then i warp and make it not like the original on purpose even though the pics are commercial free

but yeah

i do mirror effects once opacity so flip it yeah then its a mirror

its funny cause the bird was made without me seeing that part (panels were in the way at the time)


Katy Perry - Dark Horse ft. Juicy J (Backwards)

Lyrics i hear also in the video's cc:

i had no one watching? /Once they...
yeah= new realities are real (they know)
drugs need fall back
love them all
love them not wrong feel in
show me love
here we are again
see hot music
see whos play there get it
you won with new offers
you won with the shield
please not do we hurt
know wee us
hey get that ass again
i'd roah see mama's noose
say mama help me live
being gay are we here now?
still want noose ?
near california?
heaven ! (on earth)
have us close see more paper $
noose not for dad work blood cant leave
but adversary is more hey not ever been us
noose / dont don't hell's accident dammit
want more cali in new /loo
woman it may make you feel soggy
make you shimmer
is that all she now
wants no battle
we need more
than if they red heads
you is beautiful
you work girl
Teach your heart out with heaven
knows everything about things
you go beautiful
a peak in her percent
does she give it give it
a little more than a million would
hold me off every yeah off our nerves
everyone live got old right
does god hate us?
yeah we are wealthy / healthy
does the lord heal us and us
yeah first leave wooo
more ass in your face? near sniff
yo your horsey is emma / forever
mark thou offer
is hear buzzes yeah
uh help no one once they / see
i love it i love life hell off
we all miss you we all miss you
hell off the lord's hero (he roah) the lords here now
yuck = wrong feel in
i see your reality yeah off helps
should you all up?
your on fire we cant loose as worst what if
say your words ready ? you did it
hell off now hear you
you are the shield
hes not through yet here
you know who you are through us
yeah we party big
when heaven made stop
hear your starting to make me get off
ill but does god know power she eats it
help me in more good food lords' know
not say its good scary
scared being here?:
my behaviors not the noose
yeah heavens here wheres my wolf
heaven work out not deadly fate
your fire she likes you
hey tastes good i feel good now
flavor but good / you
here's the mother of all mothers
i was woman
help no one ? watching
hell off help earth get off my throat
rihanna on my shoes the lord likes you
now how do i escape hell now?/ the lords here now
yuck wrong feel in
you helped your fever helped rihanna want stay here
yeah all hope god
lickin you cant loose want
my reality back know your safe saviors
ready to leave here .
her off for now?
you won the shield
hes not something weird
but know who you are through us
let heaven be heard
in heaven are we
in the hear he in the mirror what
you get what first ? reality in known
nobody can?
heal /hear your ass ? your same/flame
if you sniff my neck
heaven over?
heaven over you but
censored your not nasty
if the facts get better
use high better your body/booty
we hint am no snake dont bite
knowing who we are really yeah
you lose satan then hell off
heres misses
your help me
save the world gods' is my reality
hey who are you? say very loving (heaven will show you in perfect ways how to feel heavenly peace connections even on earth!)

Did i mention can share more than sex vibes too?
like magic full of pleasure right on the spot of just only talking to them  and magic yeah i know thats real it feels too  sincere to be fake im not talking playing with the self or physical sex its kinda like astral projection when awake like succubus while awake and not evil i used to faith sex as scary before or it didnt feel that good or was not feeling sex physically at all it definitley is more than skin deep ok? spirit / soul contact can.....magic it up

you should sense perfect vibe answers to each question and ask:

when its higher self or higher self blended with the reincarnated soul in the body if they alive .....on earth or etc yeah theres a difference if the reincarnated doesnt wanna connect dont connect they arent ready or you gotta seek mirrors fire souls aka twin = mirror so twin flames is a term some use for soul mates or other mes

marriages that are the best mutual kind of highest fire mirror types etc etc those are eternal that means forever dont worry the best will work itself out

Kanye West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone

we gonna run the whole earth lol (merry christ mass xmas)

Jay-Z - Run This Town (Official HQ Video) (feat. Kanye West & Rihanna)

lets make a n.w.o. song of not the conspiracy but the opposite have governments work together to never war again for the whole earth so we call it New World Order: christ mass

a world ruling song lol but for equality not in a only leaders are royal way just saying :)

Panic! At The Disco Mona Lisa Lyrics

besides being highest heart puppet by your true self = a best thing anyways its aka higher self alignment


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