Monday, June 1, 2020

Page 0: Dedicated to you and world peace (The New Commandments listed here and it's about the corona virus)

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Comic Page says:

Universe: Ohana Hearts Unlocked (Mythology)
Series: He Roah Book 1: Omega's Blood Chapter 1: Origins
Page 0: Dedicated to you and world peace
song connected: OneRepublic - Counting Stars (Official Music Video)

OneRepublic - Counting Stars (Official Music Video)

in other  blog posts i will go over old wounds of mine in this because i wanna more
than honor my original intentions (the peace blood its for
peace and saving all to desperately paint sorry for all pain
please feel better and listen to my new commandments it
keeps most old commandments minus some that weren't
as clearly translated) this dedication page is
for all it helps the process of that's so
jesus obviously and feel it too see what the emotional
guidance says but im equal the new commandments
too its just more so.....the stair way
to heaven connect while on earth though

New Commandments:

1. Love Everyone yourself and all others
2. Don't murder nor suicide
3. Don't be mean, bully nor try to harm anyone
4. Respect everyone, Don't Rape, Dont have sex
thats cheap! You're meant to feel wealthiest
5. Re-Marry and Marry with eternal intentions
of most addictive mirror souls on fire for romance
highest dream types as lovers
6. Take your time before physical sex that should
always be mutually decided
7. Don't worry and don't follow fear vibe beliefs
following that negative felt path is aka satan's
deception, don't do his ill will towards anyone
8. Seek inner guidance with higher selves and
those aligned with thereof, use your best
heart feeling beliefs as the best way to live
and balance in peace
9. Spread dream jobs of your purpose let it
be gods' heroic work (that includes you)
10. exaltation of being highest gods and
goddesses are meant to be equally shared
we are meant to enjoy life
11. use only beliefs you feel a love vibe so
perfect real love is attached to the best beliefs
12. Do not steal whats not yours
13. Believe in miracles use best faith in best
prayers to be manifesting
14. be thankful
15. you are made from love like me remember
that's who we are supposed to be wear your
heart on your sleeve metaphor = highest joy expressions
16. don't die for people live for people and live
happy join with me for that to be the worlds prayer
17. dont be racist and love is love no matter the gender
,equality to the sexes
18. Good luck! No ones left behind no one goes to
hell in the after life
Sincerely Karen K. Soon aka He roah the K. Shield Hero

Extras its about the corona virus = similar to the plague a moses reference

please read it and thank you stay safe:

maybe the put the lambs blood on the door which i realize that's what ^ looks like in order to omfg corona virus as the plague in a way....

accept the christ and you saved put lamb blood on the door = what ? "the simple recalling might help some out there" help me "you know your you (sees jesus)" muahahahhaha it looks like a shield as the door in the art

"what is like raid to the pestilence of earth the current one is corona virus"

"knowing our info"

i heard a rihanna voice in my head say it looks like that i didnt do the art in a mimicking it on purpose way but im glad i saw it

i put a candle pic in it the heart headed ghost is what the white center looks like and its like a heart flame and a target at the same time a ghost target

i just noticed that and i used fire works image too both from pixabay

i didnt make the heart the contrast did that to the candel

come on calling all musicians and celebs (make sure you see 0:7 The Peace Agenda=For world peace I've been training some so called 'illuminati' aka celebrities in hopes they will join me))

The Black Eyed Peas - Rock That Body (Official Music Video)

(the gun of love spread it) help earth it makes the people dance in the video

dance with me lol "us"

back to my comic page: i saw the yellow glow just now and ...saw the revealing of i got hurt so no one else has to in a learn from my mistakes kinda way to "sense whats better known as heaven is for all"

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