Monday, June 1, 2020

1:6 People Sharing 'Hallucinations' and Dreams and The mental illness Chemical Imbalance theory = a huge lie!

since people share hallucinations, why ever think they aren't real?
(the scary ones arent real but the esp is real sometimes use heart to feel it out more on tuning  coming up: 2:1 What is this veil thinning? Turn on and Tune Voices, ESP , and the 6th sense! Ignore the Fear Vibe interpretations and Keep the meaningful ones!) again hallucinations arent always 'real' (the bad ones arent)


No drugs or booze needed:

Visual Hallucinations and Audio can be accurate if felt like most valuable Truth:
i saw my old room mates dead mother in a vision and it was right

the reason i knew the moms face back to her.....of my old room mate....they showed me first megans mom and said she looks like her so i got the hair wrong but they had very almost exact faces

for the record i didnt ask her hair style but megans mom has long hair and karen lynn (my ex old mate) her mom had short hair

when i said they i meant spirits lol

(no drugs are needed i esp it every day most of the time sober and clean =i like beer on special occasions if the house allows it)
i highly doubt medicine can take my esp 6th senses away because im on meds while writing this and its because of my faith is the thing that opened up my 3rd eye etc etc thinner veil
i always used to be home sick more here

Visual Hallucinations can be shared as in others can sense same stuff as you it happens to me:
but they can so be shared i asked my current room mate wtf am i hallucinating right now ? with faith she would get my head image sent to her
she said it looks like honey comb totally accurate was on my arm right
it definatley wasnt physically seen but im like what color? she said gold but i was like well the one i saw was light blue but that still cool huh
i gave no hints
i think she mightve seen it honey colored cause add to my arm tattoo hallucination
omg but i dint know what honey comb shape was exactly its the exact same
the outlines only ok
(i think she saw real honey comb cause i didnt know it was honey comb till she said it and even more till i looked it up here is an outline minus the other than the outline on the arm like atlantis tattoos

Image may contain: indoor
it was super glowing
No photo description available.

there is another time we both saw a black bra fall then vanish in mid air (she saw it first then told me im like i did too from the sky guys nothing over us but sky) so then im like what color black? and she said damn straight lol

Sharing Dreams:
i shared a sleep dream with megan it had everything the same she told me first so i know that was real cause i had the same everything in my dream except her dream i cried and in mine i laughed lol

Sharing Drug Trips:

i dont recommend drugs since most are illegal and its able to have same effects produced with faith alone more here:  1:5: How to get off of drugs and booze and still be "high on our love buzzes"

 i used to read erowid website experienced on peoples storys of when they used hallucinogens some claim they shared the same hallucinations with their other friends "play day trippers" isnt that a beatles song or is it trooper?

Day tripper - The Beatles

oh the beatles i read in a magazine the yellow submarine song was their shared acid trip

they thought the house lol they were in was a yellow submarine was

The Beatles - Yellow Submarine

i shared a trip with bree when i was a day tripper

i think we used dxm and weed lol we layed down and held hands and both felt our kundalini snake go up our spines
not to mention George told me my exact salvia trip but he told it in the way that it was his trip so he was looking in the box i was in the box i was in a toy factory the hands were my old self made wall paper drawings of nirvanas cross eyed smiley face logo
and a red and black sweater basically like kurt cobains nirvana- sliver music video
and i drew the hands going through a cloud and yeah those hands put me in the box i was basically a toy in the toy factory but in my room

for the record i proudly am still a terrence mckenna fan lol

Terence Mckenna - Schizophrenic or Shamanic

Terence McKenna - Schizophrenia | No Such Thing As Mental Illness

The mental illness Chemical Imbalance theory = a huge lie cause they can't prove it!
its not a blood test result

4. How to Heal Bipolar Mania

he said there was to my recall soteria house where they used loving environments for schizophrenics i think it was the video but yeah..... those environments help healing a ton more than the meds alone it was like a 70% success rate of being cured too not just treatment

i think nirvana = being cured = that happiness stable folks

what does he mean by,,,psychosis lasting short ?

"i mean the insane sense talking for him"

ok i see my early hallucinations were the most insane cause i lacked how to tune it and heart highest joys dont just lack heart follow do stuff you dont wanna thats against stream

you not supposed to go against heart and do whatever voices say

you have to feel truth in your heart

0:3 The Most Important Tip For More than Peace

its best vibes too

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