Monday, June 1, 2020

2:1 What is this veil thinning? Turn on and Tune Voices, ESP , and the 6th sense! Ignore the Fear Vibe interpretations and Keep the meaningful ones!

The rabbit hole is not to fear! = Best key tip

read the rest below i hope you see why:

This lesson's theme song is:

In this love together by Michael Bernard Beckwith


Take a breath As the Buddha described “Once you hear the Truth, it’s not going to rest
Until it becomes fully available in your awareness” There are some blessings happening in your life And you don’t even know about them yet There are some blessings happening
Begin by counting the ones you can see

You’re the spiritual image and likeness of the presence Take a breath right here We are here to hold the space Where we’re beginning to really see that The presence of God is everywhere, everywhere We want to rise high And we have to see it to be it
We have to see that

Begin to see with the eye behind the eye Hear with the ear behind the ear Feel with the heart behind the heart So that they can see the invisible Hear the inaudible Do the impossible

There are some blessings happening It’s just too good It’s too good, this is too good! My life is just too good The love is just too good My blessings are just too good The harmony is just too good My life is just too good Prosperity is just too good The love is just too good Oh, it’s just too good We’re in this joy together We’re in this peace together Oh, yes! Oh, yes! We’re in this Love together We want to rise high And we have to see it to be it
We have to see that


Wonderlanderz Unite!

 I like to say going down the rabbit hole 

“which only makes sense if you know about the basics of the Alice in wonderland tale! To sum that up in a way of: life is ‘blurry’ in metaphor if you didn’t follow the white rabbit down the hole in the ground, cause inside the (w)hole is a very lucid dream-like setting! (To a certain degree and If you havent noticed yet i hope you do when you’re ready cause it’s fun)

A positive matrix-like scenario! Take the red or blue pill? (a bit different than the movie=no pain included in the red pill)

The Rabbit hole scenario is about the matrix movie scene i believe is a hidden message the way i see it Quote From Google about that movie:
“The red pill and blue pill is a popular meme representing a choice between taking a ‘red pill’, that reveals the unpleasant knowledge and the cruel truths of everyday life, and taking a ‘blue pill’ to remain in ignorance. The terms are directly derived from a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix.”​
i took the red pill but instead of pain, i burst through life’s illusions relating to mind hell i train myself every day for many years about law of attraction info to have a more positive life 🙂 Which i believe Esther Hicks channeled the L.o.a. and That’s Abraham-Hicks info she’s one of my fave authors and Darryl Anka’s Bashar too channels they both are on youtube teaching very similar things.


You are welcome to Becoming A Prophet too!

it says kingdom hearts which = great games btw but i’m using it as a metaphor!

is related to the sleep dream i had where i was told i am a prophet and that i would make a more upgraded bible! (This is a new bible that is more to the point of how to have the best lives ever!) Note: i don’t agree with how the bible has main stream been interpreted that’s why i’m taught how to share an upgraded version to help people) i think false prophets are the ones who either don’t think they are a prophet or the ones that teach negativity but they are only in hell because they aren’t truly heaven connected Jesus = not damning anyone cause punishing back its just being as evil as ones with evil actions its not ascended by nature to get people to hell its about yes the raising of everyone… heaven connect and you will keep beating your positive best feeling streaks…..longer and longer if you follow my work or work like this ignorance of the best in life isn’t blissful at all

The Word Prophet in Definition 

“In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine being and is said to speak on that entity’s behalf, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people.” -Wikipedia

It means gods messenger and they receive visions , ‘hallucinations’, and etc !

ok So my psychiatrist told me to teach how i tuned my voices to be good voices because he said most people hear bad voices so here is my guide:

i agree with this pic this proves some bible got mistranslated the fear god stuff do not do that please

Winnie the Pooh | Everything is Honey

I put this next video because winnie the pooh hallucinates so its hillarious lol and the honey looks amazing too an theres a sweet metaphor of honey…..the voices and visions if from true higher (highest) selves = super sweet no hate comes from them i will explain more in a future chapter more in depth of how to tune it but next is one main key

Being more psychic or growing with the esp you all have already

…for example visions are like daydreams more than some seem to think but keep faith to catch the truth is the feeling great you and us not saying we never feel pain but its a tool that saves lives trust me without it we’d be lost like which way to go? it’s kinda related to having a conscience except the conscience doesn’t punish the whole universe just works that way its the design

before the first gods woke up…. did the highers make us? we forgot only temporarily who god is ok back to my original point: let go of doubting the too good to be a true way….but if they feel best accept them as highest gifts = truth no matter what things may seem .. vibes can catch each other learn to laugh more in joy…

like getting more psychic is trusting the emotional guidance have any highest huge signs? its cool confirms but lets just all practice no more doubt in what feel is the best beliefs cause we can have that 🙂 if its not physically here yet what you ask for feel it in spirit and dont doubt the sincere best messages we all send you and me catching truth spreading vibe language with deep meanings it easy to send with faith being of an ascended nature is contagious we help each other great vibes can be contagious 

so Gain guidance from highest spiritual masters if you want
using feelings and all senses expanded as the 6th sense = thinning the veil to the spirit world to connect you to heaven on earth but read this whole guide and try it out for yourself please

1:6 People Sharing 'Hallucinations' and Dreams  and The mental illness Chemical Imbalance theory = a huge lie!

The Prince of Egypt (1998) - When You Believe Scene (8/10) | Movieclips

Many nights we’ve prayed … … with no proof anyone could hear. In our hearts a hopeful song … … we barely understood. Now we are not afraid. Although we know there’s much to fear. We were moving mountains … … long before we knew we could. There can be miracles When you believe. Though hope is frail. It’s hard to kill. Who knows what miracles, You can achieve. When you believe. Somehow you will. You will when you believe. In this time of fear, When prayer so often proved in vain. Hope seemed like the summer birds . Too swiftly flown away. Yet now I’m standing here. (Now I’m standing here) With heart so full I can’t explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say. There can be miracles When you believe (When you believe) Though hope is frail Its hard to kill (Its hard to kill) Who knows what miracles You can achieve. (You can achieve) When you believe Somehow you will You will when you believe. A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah. (I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously) A-shi-ra la-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah. (I will sing to the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously) Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-e-lim adonai. (Who is like You, oh Lord, among the celestials) Mi-cha-mo-cha ne-dar-ba-ko-desh. (Who is like You, majestic in holiness) Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’-cha am zu ga-al-ta. (In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed) Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’-cha am zu ga-al-ta. (In Your love, You lead the people You redeemed) A-shi-ra, A-shi-ra, A-shi-ra… A-shir-ra I’a-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah. A-shir-ra I’a-do-nai ki ga-oh ga-ah. Mi-cha-mo-cha ba-e-lim adonai. Mi-cha-mo-cha ne-dar-ba-ko-desh. Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’-cha am zu ga-al-ta. Na-chi-tah v’-chas-d’-cha am zu ga-al-ta. A-shi-ra, A-shi-ra, A-shi-ra. There can be miracles When you believe Though hope is frail. It’s hard to kill. (It’s hard to kill) Who knows what miracles You can achieve. (You can achieve) When you believe Somehow you will (Now you will) You will when you believe. You will when you believe.

“Also check out the other version: When you believe Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston – lyrics I chose this song Cause i want you to believe in yourself and have only go with the feel best kind of beliefs cause pain in your beliefs indicates your not going with the right path beliefs wise….(helps law of attraction i will explain more about that later in a different chapter)”

want to hear voices?

use faith

want to tune the station?:

use faith to raise  your own vibrational frequency it's like tuning a radio but using this: raise your vibe and your way you interpret matters also so so use heart or aka emotional guidance (emotional guidance system i learned it from abraham hicks material she teaches what i teach too plus more) THANKS!

think heaven is messed you?
thats not real heaven guys, and heaven is real bliss to have now!

The Guitar tuner:

you gotta constantly feel all beliefs out like a guitar tuner

when its tuned right it tells you (look for the perfect vibes attached to the rightest beliefs)

ignore all the bad fucked up hate from fear and make the station go highest that way you never get to hear the hate to you and if you did lower on accident just raise with faith again and then dont hold you down by believing in negative as fear in this way... fear is a helper it reflects beliefs that are bad back at you so you'll fx the bad beliefs by switching them with the tuner

more on this will be here Chapter 0:Section 3 The Most Important Tip For More than Peace 

theres only 2 main emotions

love and fear

  • love branches all best emotions
  • fear branches off all negative emotions

Why Befriend Fear? its meant to be used in the same way a beneficial tool

fear is aka satan in history however its not an actual entity out to get you
Fear as a tool= it shows you what not to do and which way not to go beliefs wise
use love beliefs only will help you feel heaven connected
follow your bliss

as you read i explain:

would you believe me if they made this song after i posted in the long fb convo i tagged them in....(i explained more here: 0:7 The Peace Agenda=For world peace I've been training some so called 'illuminati' aka celebrities in hopes they will join me)

i said the answer to the riddle is to make friends with the monster in the head (i didnt fully understand i just quoted david wilcock in one of his 2012 presentations that are super interesting) and then they made this:

Eminem ft. Rihanna - The Monster (Explicit) [Official Video]

ps: you cant beat the monster with hate it wont work

fear is meant to be used as a tool:

to know what beliefs are not in alignment with who you really are never follow fear vibe thoughts as you choose each belief feel it first if the vibe doesnt hurt and feels perfect litterally in vibe the best kind of perfect thats no corrupted , pure love  wise yeah choose best  love feeling thoughts not the thoughts that lack love = where the pain comes from isnt heaven sent its just the univeral design to help people out...dont cut you off from the flow of love, think best ever is to be emotionally guided without this form of highest heart following (not broken heart) compasses are in this design its a function not a punishment you choose to cut off from love or use love free will is for real love not to be fake as in were not perfect untill we relearn more about the true us more on who we really are in core = 1:4 What is baptism really intended to mean? and Redemption (but still The 'New' Commandments= For heaven on Earth)

fear is a tool to know which way not to go thats how you make it your friend

(perhaps this is how the term  shadow self is better understood)

shadow self is included in the psychiatry work as carl jungs individuation process (i reteach it in the next section more but shadow self part reexplained in this section here its more clearly understood in this way):

its in the tv / movie buisiness i've noticed:

  • the dark naruto waterfall of truth scene
  • and the ending to scott pilgrim saves the world (it was noted in both that the only way to beat the monster isnt by fighting it its by befriending it in the highest way)

its more like your conscience of ones higher ones lower thats where the shoulder devil vs angel comes in

(but i want you to know the horns dont make the monster)

getting tortured by the monster?
i love this line: "Ain't no such thing as Satan, evil is what you make it thank the lord....we need to get higher" = King Chip (a featured rapper in Kid Cudi - Just What I Am) (section 4 will be what high and drunk is exactly and how to get same effects as easy as vibe sharing is good faith water to wine type thing its vibes that are good like love buzzes to feel high is higher self given if it feels best no need for vibing the less than best vibes as you unless it indicates something important a message for you to know know)

Kid Cudi - Just What I Am ft. King Chip

you dont have to hear the monster speak hate and if you do raise the radio head station by good faith using positive affirmations of self empowerment

the 'im tortured' definitions of your own belief is what creates the seemingly entity your worry creates your fears to seem real eventually but before you manifest harmful out to get you people ..... know the monster is good practice to over come it before it turns into a physical hunt scene....

being in hell on earth is self created just as much as you create how the monster behaves towards you and it just reflects your beliefs back at you like using faith in lucid dreams related but

satan is not meant to listen to (bad vibe beliefs shouldnt be followed cause its not the real love path)

id rather call it fear or the monster than satan just cause it confuses people in the way of omfg evil entity alert but its more robotic than a soul thats lower....

it trains our lower self to ego false self die for making room for the baptism =higher self alignment

will go into that way more in the next section

why is it called satan?:

but i know why its called satan
i used to fear what if the voices lie to me early on
i wanted to try to convince evil 'spirits' or ets to be more friendly like me but
the voice told me to tan get it? say tan is pronounced exactly like satan

i got boils of a sunburn on my back that day

point is

again: satan isnt a real entity

its fear as if fear has a voice (if you create it with worry to hate you seemingly it reflects back at you cause in law of attraction what you think most about eventully if focus most dominatly those things ma manifest as a you thing so sort out the difficulties you can before the people as monsters play out to get you for real and in the flesh but i have further tips to stay safe = the same way you befriend this monster stop worrying with bes tfaith it acts nicer you cant control people but people like th real life tv show the dog whisperer to sum it up in order to train bad behaved dogs to act better he trains the owner to change their energy cause animals respnd to our vibration=vibes=energy/=emotions )

vibes are a language you can hear or.... if you dont hear you can feel what vibes mean

bad vibes arent sent as punishment

its universal law how life reality works in design i already explained it in the text above reread if you missed it is what i recommend dont cut you off from love thoughts cause free will if you choose to cut off from it it hurts please dont hurt anymore and know you have a choice

your supposed to treasure hunt in this way:

to have emotions as indications like an x marks the spot

the blank canvas of your life (nothing has meaning until you give it meaning as co creators change the way you see things changes the things seemingly like the accidental thats ugly eye mode turned on when in fact its not really ugly that a you reflected definition back at you its a you thing turn on beauty thats there in the way it always is there for faces for example no one is ugly you just are choosing which mode you on for all senses like a magnet too thats law of attraction )
what you think activates vibes in you

love is truth give your life heart felt the most valuable heart felt meanings known as appreciating your blessings dont take anything for granted

dont fear god:

doing so responds as toxic vibes simply  reflected back as an indication to fix it resaying this again: before it gets too scary in your physical life events use fear or love to create your own reality perception matters in science will get into that other chapter(s).

fear following is blinding but i say fearing god is lsang satans mind hell path the no love is in the fear path ok and that includes anger hate jealousy etc real love is a choice

higher self us = perfect vibes in every word they speak or dont hear but feel either way

truth is love

the supreme truth of the heaven we all come from

refind it now already not needing to die to feel that blessed

its real its nirvana

please dont fear god that will hurt way too damn bad raise your vibrational frequency the faith and emotional guidance for you to stay on the real love path then thats how to heaven connect in balance ok

dont fall for fears lies

dont buy into fear feeling beliefs to see/law of attract clearly be careful what you believe theres always a way out of mind hell is self creating become more aware

"you got to find another way" quoted kid cudi in the following song:

Kid Cudi - Love (Music Video, 2015)

life is more than meets the eye at times

when it comes to how blessed we are just to have our souls and eternal life feel the value of that belief as truth cause it will feel best to really believe that trust your heart

define life in a way thats most valuable

throw all your nightmares away (and fear based beliefs cause life is meant to be as good as best in feeling so choose thooughts accordingly to not destroy you with vibes

worry is toxic to the body

i love you all remember these things

To get out of hell believing is seeing not seeing is believing if you want out of hell 6th sense

in this sense of faith being powerful, believing in better feeling beliefs consistently so that you don't stay stuck in mind hell (don't be tricked by thinking life has to be bad to you in design cause that's a lie) Please have hope i made it out of hell so can you

Life's not meant to be hard press life's easy button is using expectation of raising to the highest station expecting is all your faith it will work for raising the station so dont believe evil is out to get you and at the same time expect your doorway to heaven to connect to it and hear best and feel out everything again like the guitar tuning metaphor

Why we chose to forget with the 'veil'

if you ask me weddings have veils too
for the reason of the veil of forgetfulness makes what we used to alread know as souls in heaven.....those memories are much stronger cause "you found a missing piece" and its ours to remember soul memories cherish and soak in them as a hugest blessing as our surprises feel it out though the less that perfect real love vibe beliefs arent meant to hold onto thats wh yit feels difficult to hold onto cause design wise the best felt beliefs are love path vs not enough love paths choose real love...! (think of the saying have a huge heart...for all even the self)

Why I dont know it all yet:
i was telling katy perry in my head for the less important daily things i set it on forget mode on purpose when its not super important to be super perfect with memory to me like wtf was i doing looking in the fridge like a permanent pot high but i'm not on pot or drugs but only for the laugh type of forgetting, to laugh at me = its so funny

lol its super fun to inner search and then feel out what the answers are and its how i cherish the soul bonds if i inner search for answers like psychic readings for others its awesome lol i soak in the answers i take my time to slow motion when it comes to bonds slow motion soak like milking the things i cherish for all they're worth = it gets intense joy when i am super thankful i want al lto be in that highest sense of graditude trust me its greatest for us to include that in our daily lives do it as much as you can if you ask me

remebering with that is so fun and its like gathering all the missing pieces in a way you dont feel any lacks is = to trusting all the right info will be given to you at the rightest moments in order for that to happen program your mind by saying and believing in positive affirmations like "if its not funny to forget that i wont forget it" type thing

but give people slack= dont be too hard on people  if for example they forget like your dogs name i know i will forget names at times but know my intentions are still best for all like i brain fart and sometimes it helps to hear things re-said too  when the forgetting in a brain fart way when brain fart means to forget...yeah forgive people its not that i dont try to listen to you all talking its just im very easily distracted like seeing a random humming  bird etc i used to be more absent minded in a bad sense but its really fun to flow higher me the most lol (doesnt mean im better than anyone i wouldn't want to word it that way)

its like remembering soul memories = re-meeting bonds the soul used to know ....that's a huge gift its like the lack of that memory then the whole act of rediscovery it makes me cherish it alot more when i miss it for a while so iin other words i wont take anything even the smaller things for granted thats how thankful we all should be

to miss some things so much once yyou get things back  you wont miss it anymore and you get more and more like the universe rewards optimism for a reason  you wont miss each blessing when they're shown and re shown the lack boils our want for wanted things intensely so that when we manifest our dreams we wont feel to under appreciate anything so missing stuff then getting stuff that we always wanted that whole thing = to learn how to fully cherish and milk things for all they worth in a endless love in  amount type of way give too.....

being thankful for optimistic you can see better the blessings al of them so that you don't take any of them for granted or miss out on even noticing the blessings...

darkness blinds

so thankful it makes al the difference also its the opposite of boredom

recounting your blessings its magical when you soak in appreciating try it remember to try it again later if you dont understand yet... you wont wanna miss out on that joy sensation
keeping surprises where they need to be is very funnest

(its ok to not know it all at once but perfect enough is baptism of staying 'clean' its what sappy the nirvana song is about)
re learning answers soaking in the most highest of valuable truth = real love vibe beliefs makes everyone a treat to re get to know (as a blended perfection perfect enough) every single answer we feel is best cause it litterally has best vibes attatched ...

soak in each thing we gain more inner knowledge about its like instead of knowing it all the treat is the each mystery being solved
being limited not having it all yet.......for whatever wishes that are highest that we havent got physically get the vibes of having it in spirit first and missing something in a highest sense isnt really lacking the soul connections in spirit all too much but physical lacks .....are healthy to experience for a certain ammount of time that when the dream lovers come ....the dreams come true stuff ......youd never take it for granted cause you know your self true and that you would never want to fight anyone .....cause knowing you truly is knowing all in core of were real love for all thats our real core selves without love we wouldnt exist

What is this veil more off feeling?

try to catch my behind the veil vibe again the vibe of a heavenly heightened sense of being aware of theres literally nothing to worry about and that we are here on earth for a kindest reason theres just so many surprises for earth thats in store you can survive if you put your faith in it and not feel cut of from love too much cause that results in death and if you die youd probably wanna start all over on earth or as E.t.s that love watching and helping earth its the souls choice on where to go in life so... choose you can to not law of attract death its that easy as feeling your in that safe zone most of the time again theres no need to worry see if you can receive the vibe im feeling its very fun

i know telempathy might seem super real at times and other times im left to wonder but atleast ima keep trying to use good faith to make it real i cant get away from telepathy should exist for deepening fun with souls

like im never gonna stop trying to progress the esp strengthening its to get more and more used to it so dont fear

it makes my heart feel amazing lol godly love from them i bet its real i just.....dont doubt as much as the too good to be true type thing its a huge blessing to be in tune and have et angekl gods help with sending the best messages

if you dont use good faith it all the way it wont get sent

its like we have nothing really to lose to more than experiment with possibilities and earth upgrading right?

i love that thin veil trick it makes me feel litterally on a highe rlevel of heaven connected than i previously knew its litterallly heaven surrounds us

and it is so important to get that info out

cause in that awareness level you know you arent in any real danger for sure cause heavens with you

hanging out i just love sensing them they my everything and so is earth and everyone

i also noticed this state gave me awarness of having my body is a fun toy like thing

like cake to fat people ;')

"and skinny kurt" oh yeah remember that gif?

that state just scratched the very surface you can download more info when the state is known more and more to us i invited everyone to that party remember?

its easiest to dish out info in this mainly laughing state im laughing even though its not always out loud lol

cause life is fun and great and i think its part of level ups the stats of my experience of being higher me aligned "in truth <3"

and its infinitley funnner and funner dont worry theres no real peaks sure it feels peak like but we getting more great energy as we get more used to being in that pleasure lol

sure theres some moments of not being as hyper but

you can be aligned when calm too but preferences i enjoy hyper the most cause i can work more

im like a calm hyper now lol it still feels great i see what they showing me

if you sense someones not vibing you cliche love enough

watch your self of how your creating too

its about again not going the fear route of perception and vibe interpret it high

you can litterally stay connected to the love without fear to feel more pleased ;)

To read my whole peace book

heres the table of contents:

The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

Junior Senior – Move Your Feet (Official music video, HD)

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