Wednesday, June 3, 2020

2:9 Why not to worry about eating animals, food, soap, smoke, everything etc being toxic anymore

Don't worry about bugs and animals having souls:

November 3, 2012 My Early Psychosis Adventure 1: This is why i dont think bugs have souls

i used to try to detox but that's flowing the hard way 
i tried to fast to detox my body of supposed toxins (i was raw vegan organic for more than one year but after researching abraham-hicks i realized later what makes things poison like food is the negative faith beliefs not the substance) 

First time the voices got clearer at age 17 experience more explained also Food = not toxic but thoughts can make it so intro

not supposed to flow the hard way

The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

Abraham Hicks - FOOD [Best Advice: How To Eat]

I don't go to medical checkups good well
I'm glad you said good because I I feel
the same way
they're very many well-meaning people
who believe that your potential for
wellness is not secure
and they think that they should probe
every day looking for something going
wrong so that they can catch it in the
early subtle stages and we say keep
looking there'll be plenty to catch
that's how it is created
okay so another question that I've been
believer in supplements but now I'm just
wondering whether I can do without them
because I still believe that I have a
pretty good physical let's ask you a
question do you believe in food I
believe in fooled you then supplements
are the same well they do what the
manufacturers promised if you believe it
if you believe
dirt works the same way right
I pay attention to what I eat and I've
been told to eat a low no sodium low-fat
diet and not eat chocolate and things
like that by who by my doctor it didn't
specifically say fun but I love
chocolate and I feel good when I eat it
now will these things hurt me even if I
believe they won't if you believe that
they won't they will not but the fact
that you've been going to the doctor to
find out leads us to believe you might
not be sure what you believe they found
out by accident I hadn't to be in a
hospital they told me but I didn't go to
find out well here's the way we would
approach all of this your physical body
as we said earlier is a chemical factory
that has the ability to produce anything
that you desire and you have all of
these trillions of cells that know what
they're supposed to do that know the
relationship to each other that are
continually asking for whatever they
need in order to achieve balance so the
better you feel the more you are
allowing the balance remember earlier
when we said there are three parts of
the process you asked Source Energy
answers and then you allow so the cells
of your body are asking and Source
Energy is answering and the better you
feel the more you are allowing in other
words we see people who have been told
that they shouldn't eat this and this
and this and this and now they are worse
off than if they have not been told that
because they keep wanting to eat it and
every time they eat it they feel guilty
and so now when they eat it or just
think about eating it they set up
resistance that does not allow the
well-being to flow in other words it's
an interesting thing to watch our
population we're surprised that any of
you can find anything to eat because
almost everything that you have ever
even thought about eating somebody has
found some reason that you should not
eat it for some reason you see and so
what we are projecting and what we are
encouraging is that you begin to make
peace with your food love your food and
in doing so love yourself back into
well-being and what you begin to notice
is if you are eating something that your
body is not wanting you will begin to
feel this
for it in the eating of it but if you
have got yourself in a place where you
feel guilty about everything that you
eat then you can't be sensitive to those
vibrations you say there are many
physicians that would say oh Abraham you
should not be telling people that they
can go off and eat anything that they
want to eat and we say we're encouraging
you to get into a place of feeling good
and then follow whatever action is
inspired from that good feeling place
there are those who say should I go to
the doctor and we say if you want
well-being and if you believe that the
doctor is the path to your well-being
then going to the doctor may very well
be the catalyst that aligns you with
Source Energy but if you do not think
that going to the doctor is a good idea
and you go to the doctor now the very
same activity is serving as the catalyst
to not align you you see and the biggest
thing about all of it is that it is
again one more thing that physical
beings are doing to each other that
falls into the category of saying to you
you don't have sense enough to know in
other words it's like saying to the
there is danger there when there is no
danger and then the child gets to the
place where they cannot identify real
danger because they have been told that
there was danger when there wasn't for
so long that now they don't trust their
ability to know they trust their parents
ability to know but their parents cannot
always be there with them you see and
the same sort of thing begins to happen
to people relative to diet or rather
relative to physical body conditions
they get so they don't trust themselves
and the doctors can't make up their mind
what you should eat because every other
day there's another book coming out that
contradicts the last book that came out
and so here is the final scoop on food
food good
and you say what kind of food is good
and what kind of food is bad and we say
make a decision of how you want to feel
say clearly on a regular basis I want to
feel good I want to feel hearty I want
to be energized
I want this food to empower me I want to
thrive I want food to really fuel me
I want the cells of my body to be
satisfied in what they're asking for I
want to be sensitive to what my cells
are asking for so that I'm inspired to
the food that were provided in a
dominant way I want to find the rhythm
of my body I want to know that I'm
eating the right thing I want to be
drawn to the right thing I want food to
be satisfying I want it to be a
pleasurable thing I want it to bring me
a sense of well-being
I wanted to satisfy me in all ways and
as you say those kinds of things on a
really regular basis the things that
will satisfy those things will be the
things that pop out for you everywhere
and so someone says well what keeps
popping out for me is this gooey
chocolate doughnut that I see a big sign
for and we say well then go to the
chocolate doughnut and eat the chocolate
doughnut and see how it feels and if it
feels good eat it and if you feel
reluctance once you have lined up with
the energy and once you are in sync with
following your bliss relative to food
anything that's not good for you you
will not feel a gravitation to but this
will happen in every single case once
you align in the way that we are
describing here all kinds of things will
feel good to you some of the time in
other words sometimes you could do with
a little dose of high sugar sometimes
it's just exactly what you need for the
thought process that you're working on
or for the boost of energy that you want
but if you gravitate to it over and over
and over again so that there is an
inordinate amount of it within your
system then you do not feel so good and
then you feel like gravitating to other
things and most of you are so paranoid
about food that you never get into that
place of allowing yourself to be guided
you see that's the optimum expiry go to
me oh it's balance that you're looking
for in all things yes
when I hear or think of something that
harmonizes with my feelings would you
say that harmony and food would be only
eating green bean
No or is harmony a variety of things all
right harmony is a wonderful word isn't
in do when this harmonizes for my
feelings about justice or the nature of
all that is I get tears in my eyes and
these are tears of joy so someday may
indicate sadness and therefore something
negative but to me it indicates
something very positive and I hope I'm
right yes often your tears are what you
described as being overjoyed which means
you have come into vibrational contact
with more joy than your physical body
can contain

Abraham Hicks ~ It is the thought that poisons

Video says::
hello and I have an illness called
multiple chemical sensitivity mice and
allergic to perfume and chemicals with
perfumes made up of chemicals I've been
told that I've created that which I
probably have created that I don't know
why I would create something I don't
understand why I would create something
that I didn't know even exists it and if
I was going to create an illness I would
not create something that people
recognize because a lot of people don't
get it so I don't know how do I create
this well first we want to begin by
saying that everybody that's
experiencing anything created it so give
yourself a break first of all then we
want to say to you that is people imply
that this is a sort of mental thing that
it's psychosomatic that it's coming from
your mind and that it doesn't really
have any physical reason or basis we
want to say that's true of every single
imbalance or illness so don't let them
make you feel weird about it because
it's true of everything when you go to
the faucet someone might say where does
water come from and you would accurately
say well I take my glass and I go to the
sink and I turn the knob and I hold the
glass under the mobbin and that's where
water comes from and we say certainly
would be true but there's a lot more to
the story of where water comes from and
so we want to give you the same sort of
leeway in a end result that you're
living we want you to understand that
there's a lot more to every story than
just this place where you are now
standing and we also want you to relax
just a little bit and try to see
yourself as we have been trying to
demonstrate for all of you here today
that you're you are without question put
your boat in the stream right where you
are and that you are where you are and
where you've been and how long you've
been gone or been there or how you got
here is really not relevant the only
thing that matters is where am I in
relationship to where I want to be
we are not surprised that you would say
that you have a diagnosis that speaks to
hypersensitivity because you have always
been hypersensitive you are
hypersensitive to energy too
have you noticed about yourself that
when even when you were a teenager and
before that when you walked into a room
you could sort of tell what the attitude
of the conversation was in other words
you knew when people were in alignment
with you and you knew when they were not
and you were born into an environment
where not a whole lot of people had time
to give you their undivided attention
and so you determined and accurately so
often when you walked into an
environment that you were not the most
welcomed sight not because you were
unwelcome but because they were just
busy about other things and you were
sort of a bother
this is ringing any bells over there in
other words so in all of that in that
hypersensitivity to energy it's nice to
be sensitive to energy when you know
that it means I'm upstream and I want to
be downstream it's nice to be sensitive
to it when you have the resources and
the memory and the knowledge to know
what to do about it but it's not
comfortable to be sensitive to energy
when you believe that you have to
control the conditions in order to feel
better so we think it's interesting that
it would evolve into a diagnosis that
says quite simply that there are people
in your environment all around you who
are producing chemical concoctions which
they emit into the atmosphere something
as innocuous as someone wearing a strong
perfume or or having some chemicals in
their clothing from dry-cleaning ester
walked in the rain the other day in a
silk blouse and she was amazed at the
fragrance that emitted from her silk
blouse when it got wet she said this is
I smell like a bubblegum Factory
something about the chemicals they had
dry-cleaned her clothing with when it
got wet it was a really interesting
fragrance and so all of these chemicals
that are surround
in you and with your sensitivity to
vibration now we talked earlier a little
bit that what you see you see because
you translate vibration into the sight
equivalent and what you hear is you're
translating vibration into the sound
equivalent what you smell is translating
vibration what you taste is translating
vibration and so everything is
vibrational and if you could get to the
heart of vibration you would understand
why that color looks the way it does why
that sound sounds the way it does why
that light reflects refracts in the way
that it does and why that food tastes
the way it does and why that thing
smells the way it does in other words
it's all vibrationally based and so now
you say okay bruh ham i get it i'm a
hyper sensitive translator of vibration
and in and in doing so i have these
different responses then you say which
is really what the heart of your
question was but why would i create an
uncomfortable bodily condition about
something that i don't even know that
i'm doing well how how could i create
something that i don't know that i'm
doing and we say because attention to a
subject sets up a vibration and when you
set up a vibration that vibration is
playing off of another vibration and
that results in the manifestation that
you're living so in the same way that
you're able to feel negative emotion and
turn us off more positively you can add
even more subtle levels since a
vibration and then then reach with your
mind for a different vibration and you
can literally sift through the vibration
of your time-space reality without the
people around you doing anything to
change it
now did you hear that we'll go back and
say that again because it was was a lot
that we said in there so here's what
we're saying okay there is a tendency to
believe that Here I am standing in the
smack-dab in the middle of my life and
that I'm having responses to life our
friend earlier is having responses to
her 18 year old daughter our friend is
having response to his house not
in other words your your there are
conditions that are happening and you
are observing the conditions and you're
having vibrational responses to those
conditions and in those cases you can
see them as conscious things that you
are observing it's like a reality that I
am observing so you sort of get that and
you can even get how you can observe
things and then decide to take a
different slant on them and by using the
power of your mind turn your attention
in a different way
so that the condition that you're been
observing doesn't take you on such a
wild and raucous walk ride in other
words isn't that what you're getting
from this discussion here today that you
have the power to see it as an upstream
idea or a downstream idea and depending
upon which way you decide to make it you
will benefit or not depending upon the
direction of your thought so now what
we're suggesting to you is that in less
obvious ways there are thoughts that you
think that are detrimental to your
physical well-being and thoughts that
you think that are beneficial to your
well-being that you are somehow
translating in terms of the way
chemicals are responding to you but the
chemicals are just the path of least
resistance in the way they're showing up
it really is the thought that poisons
not the chemical and and that's why
they're saying to you that it's it's
sort of something that you're creating
revenues and and that's why everybody is
not having the same experience now give
yourself a break in this and acknowledge
that the dog hears things that I don't
hear and that everybody is emitting
vibrations and the universe is
responding to their vibrations and then
say to yourself now this is something
that we think is just wonderful we were
talking earlier about post manifestation
awareness how what I think and therefore
what I feel and what manifests is always
a vibrational match there are no
exceptions to that
so once something is manifested you can
kind of
what the vibration was that you had
going on because the manifestation sort
of points it out so then we say but
isn't it nice to have awareness in
advance so that you can turn your
thoughts into a more productive or
beneficial way so that what manifests is
more pleasing and so then you say Here I
am in this situation where I've got this
manifestation that is occurring and we
say we have long been saying if you've
got some negative emotion going on which
means resistance in your vibration which
means you got your stream moving fast
and for some reason you're not letting
yourself go with it don't worry you'll
feel negative emotion and if you don't
recognize that your streams moving in
one direction and that you're not
letting yourself go with it don't worry
it will get bigger and if you still
don't notice it and do something about
trying to get downstream don't worry it
will get bigger and if you still don't
notice it and do something about it
don't worry it will get bigger because
everything in this leading-edge universe
is becoming more and more exaggerated
and so all that's happened to you is you
are now having a manifestation Ulrich's
got your attention so but now what
you're thinking the result is you see
what's causing you concern is what
you're saying is well I have a
sensitivity to chemicals that I can't
even see and it isn't until I come into
contact with them that I have a
detrimental response and we say oh but
doesn't that pretty much sound like what
everybody's trying to tell us
oh Abraham I didn't have that negative
thought until things went really wrong
and that would be like Jerry and Esther
saying to us we didn't have negative
thoughts about our drive shaft
disconnect not connecting until it
didn't in the neck and we say oh you're
not going to get away with that with us
there's we know that the drive shaft
disconnect isn't working because of
things that have been going on in your
vibration is not the other way around
everything that manifests is
vibrationally based you see in such a
room so you don't have to figure out
what chemicals you're allergic to you
don't have to figure that out you have
to figure out what thoughts you're
allergic to and we'll say to you you can
every time they don't feel good when you
think of their thoughts like I'm not
good enough they're thoughts like I'm
not smart enough they're thoughts like I
should have done something different
their thoughts like oh I'm wasting my
life their thoughts like I don't know
what to do their thoughts like oh that
one's doing better than me their
thoughts like I should be doing better
their thoughts like oh I've lived so
much life and I haven't figured it out
they're poison thoughts or objects in it
okay when I came here for instance I
wouldn't allow myself to think well
there were low before the perfume now I
won't be able to say because that's
happened or when I say that the when
they got the room at the hotel sometimes
they put a lot of sense in the room I
didn't let myself to think about that
and everything works out fine you know I
am here you're here and you're
surrounded by chemicals exam you're here
and you're surrounded by all the stuff
that often can set you off but you've
been here focused in an environment that
is mostly carried you downstream and so
you have more than usual been alignment
with who you are and in your in
alignment you're not out of whack you're
in alignment and so you're not having
those same symptoms even though the
chemicals that you've been giving the
credit for have been present around you
it isn't about them it's about thought
and vibration thank you

Abraham Hicks ~ Smoking, Is there anything wrong with it?

video says:
um since our bodies are capable of total
healing from all things does that mean
that there's nothing inherently wrong
with using or smoking tobacco there is
nothing that is wrong with anything it's
the way you perceive it in other words
there are more people today receiving
detrimental results from smoking tobacco
than 10 years ago and much more than 20
years ago and it's not because of
increase in smoking it's because of
increase in resistance about the subject
in other words when you say I shouldn't
do that but I'm doing it anyway
that's the worst contradiction in your
vibration to do something that you
believe is detrimental is the worst
possible thing that you could do and
there are a lot of people that would say
well Abraham then then they should stop
doing it and we should say well what
they should stop doing is pushing
against it and then people say so you're
saying they could go ahead and smoke and
just not worry about it and they
wouldn't have negative repercussions and
we say the negative repercussions come
through the crack of least resistance
they're not about the tobacco they're
about the misaligned energy okay good
people don't want to hear that because
it's so much easier to find a scapegoat
it's so much easier to say well that is
the reason for that and we say the
reason for everything that you are
living their reason for your joy is
alignment the reason for your absence of
joy is misalignment the reason for your
health is alignment the reason for your
absence of health is misalignment the
reasons for your well-being is alignment
and ease the reason for your disease is
disease in other words contradicted
energy and the reason that a woman said
to us one day Abraham I'm a positive
person and I'm so sick I have this and
this and this and this my friend is so
negative and she's not sick at all
what's going on and we said it depends
upon how fast your stream is moving
you've lived life your streams moving
really fast you got to move with the
stream that your life caused you to get
going and if you don't move in the
direction of your fast-moving stream if
you hold back from it if you're thinking
thought if you're thinking these
thoughts and who you really
is going this way there's a
contradiction in your energy that will
show up to the path of least resistance
and so for many people that path of
least resistance which at one time was
other things is now that thing called
smoking because that's where so much
attention has been applied recently and
so it shows up through that way it's
sort of like you know how when you have
a dream and in within the dream have we
told you not today yet but maybe you've
heard us say before that what you think
and what you feel in what manifests
always match and in light manner what
you are living in your dream state is a
match to the vibration of your being
always so have you ever awakened from a
dream that had a lot of specifics about
things that have just been going on in
your life experience and we say the
essence of your dream came from your
vibrational countenance the details of
your dream came from the stuff you've
been gathering up lately and so the same
thing is true with every manifestation
the essence of it comes from your
vibration you're either going with who
you are or you're not but the details of
it come from what you've just recently
been picking up along your physical
trail every time but what you've been
picking up along your physical trail is
not the reason for the creation it's
your vibrational discord or alignment
that is responsible for what's happening
did you get that so what's not good for
you is doing something that you believe
is not good for you because there are a
lot of people who smoke who are not
experiencing the negative repercussions
now medical body of knowledge would jump
right in the middle of that statement
and and proclaim it as inappropriate but
it's resistance that is not good for you
and so anything that here's here's the
way we would sort this out we said it
earlier today that if you're going to do
something line up with it don't don't
say I want to do it but it's bad for me
but I'm going to do it anyway because
that split energy and that's what's not
good for you so if you believe it's bad
then don't do it
you say well that's easier I I said I
like it I like it I just don't think
it's good for me and we say well you
can't you can't have both of those
things active in your vibration and do a
good service to your physical body or to
your vibration if you believe if you
believe it's bad then stop doing it
but you can want to do it and bring
yourself to believe in your well-being
more than in the behavior that would
jeopardize your well-being and that's
where we part company from a science and
medicine relative to this subject
because they look at evidence of
sickness and then they look for
correlating behavior and we don't look
for correlating behavior we look for
correlating vibration so it's possible
to shift the way you feel about
something and clean up your energy
without taking the action if you decide
that so so where do you think you're at
do you think that what do you think is
the path of least resistance this is
this is really the question that matters
because the path of least resistance
means what's going to get you in the
vortex the fastest so we're just going
to ask you do you think that it would be
easier for you to believe that you can
smoke and thrive or do you think it
would be easier for you to believe that
you could stop smoking we're not asking
you what you want to do more we're
asking you what you believe is the path
of least resistance do you think it
would be easier for you to give up
smoking or easier for you to give up the
belief that smoking is harmful that's
that's really the question because it's
releasing the resistance is all that
matters so
is it easier to give up smoking or is it
easier to give up and and you know this
speaks to something that we've been
talking about all day here today because
in every discussion we've we have
maintained and supported and promoted
and encouraged and done our best dog and
pony show all day every
when we get a chance to talk to anybody
we say you can change your belief it's
not the behavior that needs to be
changed and everything that we teach is
about the control of vibration the
alignment of vibration is not about
controlling behavior so ultimately the
path of least resistance certainly is in
the alignment so once you reconcile a
subject that's active in your vibration
everyday is something like that is and
you make peace with where you are and
you come into the vortex and you're
smoking and in alignment and smoking and
alignment and no longer beating up on
yourself and no longer trying to beat up
on other people that are trying to get
you to quit in other words that's the
biggest thing that's the biggest cause
of resistance relative with the subject
of smoking that exists on the planet
today as you're now as you figure out
how to smoke and stay in the vortex and
smoke and stay in the vortex most
important thing to take away from this
conversation is if you're gonna do it
line up with it which means you don't
have conversations with people about it
you don't apologize for it you don't be
upset about their perspective of it you
don't try to be right and make them
wrong in other words you just sort of
wait and and and that's the thing that's
tricky about any behavior that other
people think that they get to have an
opinion about

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