Tuesday, June 2, 2020

First time the voices got clearer at age 17 experience more explained also Food = not toxic but thoughts can make it so intro

((A long time ago Bree’s Mom did a Reki Healing on me..and while she was doing that she said she kept Hearing the word “John” Pop up..and “Henry”….I had a feeling that this wasn’t my brother.. and that it might be my spirit guides-))

i heard voices mumble unclear since middle school and hallucinated things like fire flies shadow flies that vanish and also animals in the peripherals, zombie shadow figures.....yet i  Wanted Them To increase so i tried drugs to reach the spirit world i was homesick i wanted voices …Since I Was in Elementary But Didn’t Quite Figure Out How Yet.. )

i tried to fast to detox my body of supposed toxins (i was raw vegan organic for more than one year but after researching abraham-hicks i realized later what makes things poison like food is the negative faith beliefs not the substance)

but During this water fast  (i was sober and clean)

3 weeks only drinking super filtered water experience (November 2011)

I had many vivid dreams… 

One Day during my fast I was at my PC and the Inner voice told me to lay down lol so I turned off my lights and layed down on my bed….(Layed on My Back To Make Sure My Spine Was Straight And Turned Off The Lights Because I Thought My Dilated Pupils Would Increase The Odds Of  Seeing Things Haha XD  i saw lsd like hallucinations like glowing neon beautiful flowers art very then Speeding The First Few Minutes Up…I Heard (My First) External Voice.. Say the Words “I Love You” ..It was Really loud!... Like it was right next to me (lol at like 2 in the morning) It sounded like a Males voice. I thought it was so nice! I said “I Love you too! But who are you?!” .. “John” the hallucinations turned into  green happy dogs that turned red and tried biting me back and forth green friendly back  to angry (probably reflected me but i didnt understand yet) it seemed to start to bad mouth me by calling me a goon then  i heard "there are dark parts to yourself that you would not understand dont touch it"

2:1  What is this veil thinning? Turn on and Tune Voices, ESP , and the 6th sense! Ignore the Fear Vibe interpretations and Keep the meaningful ones!

no need to fast or detox use faith to open the esp

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