Tuesday, June 2, 2020

4/5/2020 Read this intro if you feel lost

i had a dream where someone wrongfully called me ugly and kicked me out of the house i begged to come back long story short and woke up and i was back and it made me very thankful more to be here and that person is nice to me in real life… but i took a nap and the dream continued where i was in my younger me state of mind… where i had no heart compass and when others used to take out their anger on me even when it wasn’t my fault i used to want to hurt me for them and i was crying in the dream when i woke up that time the immediate realization my in tune higher self voices in my head guided me to the dream meaning of that’s how i used t o think without my

The Keys to Nirvana = Heaven on Earth

content   in my life i was super lost especially without abraham-hicks emotional guidance system… in my life that’s a compass you see of the full heart instead of broken heart paths belief wise… lol

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