Tuesday, June 2, 2020

2/14/2010 V Day red head, First Rihanna sex Dream Before i knew who She Was… on V-Day literally

at by me:

Why is she white? she looks great any colors! plus it greatly relates to how i played as a kid:

V Day red head, First Rihanna sex Dream a dream i had literally on valentines day 2010 now rewritten in 2018: (had it before I knew who she was) The first time i dreamt of rihanna i didn’t know who she was… it was literally on a valentines day. .in awake life! the day before, i asked to have a dream of my meant to be true lover….to connect with me. cause i felt so very lonely… and in the dream it was a sex dream i pleased a girl and it felt right i didn’t see her work on my body but i knew that was way best sex ever still… like gaara….one of my most fave styles

when i forgot what she looked like thought she was my gf then they had similar sized legs she freaked out and turned into a black figure i was scared at how she looked like a shadow but i saw she wasn’t attacking me so i saw her cry and i rubbed her back to cheer up. when i woke up i thought to fear? ..that worst what if she was dead on the spirit side and that i’d never get to have my only one that’s best for me on Earth in this life…. oh in that dream i was lookin like gaara | too but i was a boy version lol she said it was 4th dimension that was the long story short version

the actual read through (is in the video on the bottom of this post)  i read it crying to a voice recorder cause i felt her spirit of the red hair woman touch my heart in 2013 sent to it brogan in a text which brogan is not the red head and then later i thought maybe its kwin but no i know for a fact its rihanna cause she wore the same thing in her music video i love the way you lie is that song:

This is Gaara also take note:

What I've Done-A Gaara Tribute

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i might redo this lol i made this when i was 12 it was a middle school about me project we had to make a magnifying glass telling about us lol which i didnt wanna make it too personal back then so the text on it is boring lol if i remake this i will put better mid section lol i designed it myself the one tailed beasts eyes are in back

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my age 12 i think i made this one up i have no time to pro spruce it up ....yet lol

For THE red haired Dream Lover: i love you

trimmed up some parts from the original video today 2020 year

 i thought it was other people before i knew of rihanna which i think i knew of her in 2013 these were December 2012 records i cry in the video somewhere but i cried because i thought my red hair lover since the dream was vallentines day litterally i thought she was a spirit that i was forced to go through life alone i feared the worst like she was dead but then i just really want her so much i know it rihanna for sure she touched my heart while reading the dream in the video

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