Wednesday, June 3, 2020

How i channel music

karen; i channeled the music without knowing the speaking in tongues aka gibberish spontaneous sounds i didn't know they would be recorded in English but its weird cause it explains what i went through years after i made them and its great advice like i didn't sit and interpret the words till years later too so it was a big surprise and i just focused on the melodies not planning them usually just heart urges to vocals like i knew the sounds to make is according to how i felt to make them if that makes sense it came out to be really cool music was kinda possessed maybe but was a pleasant experience each time except when i thought man i suck but my mind changed when i listened to them

Roah+; exactly we loved to channel through you we surprised you you gave us permission to and you tried to speak channelings but wasn't flowing to you since you had doubt you didn't know how but observing kurt cobain's music improvisation made you go aha one day so you learned to flow

karen; i actually love channeling cause its very powerful info and its very exciting thanks for cheering me up voices!

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