Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Elante =Rihanna # 2 Prophet Dream (2011)

(elante is her soul name i think not the past life name since it jumps from native american back to india you noticed?)

I‘ve always loved Aladdin (i dont think im him) and Thebes themes like the horse and his boy book i read and prince of Persia video games we were in a scene like the disney alladin cartoon market place but a realistic version and they said i had a past life in india and that’s where she got the name elante (No its not forgot to update)

and i saw her in the dream she said focus on everything around you and to follow her there was a morphing magistrate and or sultan and there was a nirvana in bloom black and white music video in the back that was the building btw that was kurts band she said i cant choose just any one to marry it has to be elante this was before i knew it was rihanna but its her same face lol had a building for royalty like in the background of: Nirvana’s black and white “in bloom” music video

i say the rest of the prophet dream here What is this veil thinning? Turn on and Tune Voices, ESP , and the 6th sense! Ignore the Fear Vibe interpretations and Keep the meaningful ones!

Only if for a Night - Florence + the Machine (lyrics)

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