Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Elante = Rihanna not Illuminati (2011)

in this dream i was 17? I was shown Pocahontas morph into a native American with red head dress… in the dream They said My name MY name (me) of my soul was named ELANTE they said not with an I like ILLUMINATI its EL ELante and ….there was a bunch of disney characters but i picked up pocahantas and she said in my ear….i had a telephone message a voice recording saying i have a flight jan 16th didnt say the year

shes so pretty

in the dream a different dream i was a native american my wife was my first ex gf she morphed ugly (shes not ugly) i died for her i got stabbed by a village ambush i was a man in the dream

Native American Past Life, saving Emma, my death 

elante looks more like riri if we share a soul like as twin flames sharing a soul name would make sense but idk if shed really want me id rather be called Dante (rhymes) but elante is cool its cute very i think its rihanna

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